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Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:31 am
by mikeh
my worst is 114 in a 45. Driving by myself on the interstate coming back 10 hour trip I was sleepy it was late at night and a construction zone.sad.gif

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:56 am
by aroracer72
i got busted in my friends car(with my friend and another friend) when i was 15 at 3am..................the two guys were bouncing off thwe walls in the car...and the cop pulled us over cause he said my buddies looked out of place or soemthing like that..they were all freakin out...and i jsut said oohh gshh ******...then sat there till mister ol coppy came up and tapped on the qwindow. God those back seats are cramped in leg room!!!!!
we all dont do the smartest things.....

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:13 am
by TraumaRN
Driving w/o a seatbelt is akin to riding w/o a helmet. We should all know better!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:38 pm
by cdalemx301
My worst ticket was 65 in a 25 back road near my house theres never cops on it and i came around a corner and saw the blues slammed my brakes but it was to late he already saw me and i almost hit him he was walkin across the street from his c`ar to ive my friend a ticket who had left for school 5 minutes before me...guys little hint dont come within ten feet of running a cop over....i got a ticket and the kid in front of me got a warning for 58 in a 25 godamn hahaha

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:54 pm
by jameson12
145mph in a 55 on I 10 free way. i lost my lisence for a year and a half over that one. i

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:00 am
by Mjollnir
I knew a guy who got a ticket for 187 in a 45, believe it or not. He was on a ZX-11, passed the cop who was on the side of the road, decided to go for it.

5 minutes later, he got lit up by the helicopter. He decided to give it up and pulled over. It took the cop 15 more minutes to get there.

It was a long time ago that he told me this story, but as I recall, it cost him his motorcycle, probation, and about 25 grand.

I never really believed him until I went to traffic school and the instructor told the same story. Apparantly is the fastest anyone has ever been ticketed for in the county (about 3 million people in this county too!).


Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:59 pm
by bansheebeater
Originally posted by TraumaRN
Driving w/o a seatbelt is akin to riding w/o a helmet. We should all know better!

i always use a seatbelt because it keeps me in the seat in the corners.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:13 pm
by TheJaspMan
I am trying to think of a two year span in my life that I have not had license problems. It seems to be an ongoing thing with me.

I had to sell my 300ZX after getting two tickets for 125+ in a month and reckless the next month. My insurance was $3200 a year for liability. And now I drive a four door Bonneville. :cry:

I've gotten four tickets in the last 14 months. And I don't even consider myself a fast driver anymore. In fact, I have to go to court for one next week! :mad:

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:24 pm
by jameson12
yeah i hold the highest points on a lisence that az has seen. nothing that i'm proud of but at least i hold the record.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:28 am
by wanablaze
I'm not particularly a big Honda fan, but my buddy is modding a prelude and I have a question for ya, Jameson. He's got tons of money into it so far, can you give an approx of how much it cost to break 12's, or a 13.0 like you did? I know my Camry won't ever go that fast, I was just wandering how much he wanted to spend on his car.