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Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 7:14 am
by TraumaRN
1000mg is 100 times the normal HIGH dose for Vicodin (normally 5, 7.5, 10mg), your'e damned lucky others were awake when this happened! I hope you have a speedy recovery, are they going to do a surgical repair?
Looks like you must've been wearing your MX boots, good evidence on how protective they are. You should see the legs of those who don't wear 'em.
Hopefully those without boots will consider buying some!

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:29 pm
by haydug
Man, you OD'd, broke your leg, and kissed a man on the same day!! :eek:

Seriously, hope you heel soon, breaking bones S**k!

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:44 pm
by Mjollnir
that sucks, lap. Glad someone was there who knew CPR!

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 9:44 pm
by SlOoT
Sorry to hear this, hope you get well soon wink.gif wink.gif

But how could your foot get into the tires, don't you have heelgaurds on your quad ??

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:56 am
by LapTraffic
Heel guards are long sinced broken and removed.

They saif the it was 2 500mg vicadin at the hospital. Didnt look closely at them, perhaps they were 10mg vacadin and the rest acetometaphin? either way 2, 500mg tablets.

They did have to do CPR long to get me breathing again, but thank God someone was there. And yes, the wife about blew a gasket.

They have me in a walking boot right now, not a single Orthopedic surgeon in the office this week. Saw a PA, he took new film, its broken in about 4 pieces, but everything is still local (the bones) so it looks good for healing without surgery.

I taped it up really good and went riding at the dunes on Sunday. If I keep the ankle imobilized it doesnt hurt too bad.

I had tech 8's on, the Tire broke one braket and buckly off the boot, the fracture happened above the top of the boot. If I hadnt been wearing a quality boot, my ankle and Tibia would have joined the fibula in being broken. It was a very violent event.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:25 am
by Exodus
Thats brutal!! The last time I had a wreck anywhere that bad, I spent the rest of the day moaing about it. You show a lot of heart. You got my vote for ironman of the year. Hope you get back on your feet soon,

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:30 am
by candyassmiler
youre a bad, bad man.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:59 am
by aroracer72
that reminds me of teh time i was practicing at a track, and hit a failry big jump..and landed and the impact threw my left foot off the peg and into the ground...but my foot didnt break..instead i went ridin on with a sharp pain in the top of my foot, and when i got undressed at teh end of the inner boot was all red...and there was a sharp stick in my foot that somehow went threw the slit of the boot. The adrenline of the crash and riiding can tend to hide pain. sad.gif
Also once i fell on my dirtbike(front end washed out)..on pavement...and i slid for like 35ft....and picked the bike up...started it.....put it away...then went arm was a little sore..but didnt think anyhing of it....then i took my fleece hoody off...and it peeeled off of my left lower arm..hurt like a mother..and i find a bice 6 inch long skin scraping.....could start to see muscle tissue in deepest part.......god that peeling pai
I have a problem with ignoring injuries...not too long ago i crashed three times in one day...first one...a simple roll over..quad rolled over me...i was okay..didnt hurt...then the second i was doing some freestyle on a 60ft double..and landed with my feet off the side during a no footed can can(somehow floated to far off the side)...and landed that way.....slammed into the ground...and was knoced out for 2 minutes..then took an hour break to eat and get my brain back in order..and went out and tried a tabletop step down...which is treachorous.....and landed nose high and back end sideways.......and cased...hit the bars.......flipped off...quad landed on top of me..and popped my hip out of joint/ i need to say i didnt get up from that one.......
this makes me realize..i really need to start riding a little les ballsy and a little more smarter.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:02 am
by Canniboomer
Sheeesh you guys!!! All I can offer are pansy rollovers in soft sand!!:eek:

Anyway Lap, glad to hear your leg is reasonably still intact... Hobble on down here anytime, or park that thing for a while and take a rest!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:26 am
by Sandstorm
Get better soon Lap. I see nerf bars as the next gift from the wife....