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#11 Post by speed2424 »

Welcome to the site. This place is GREAT! :clap:

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#12 Post by Canniboomer »

Yes Welcome!... we loved to hear stories about moving from a Z400 with problems to the "reliable" Cannondale !!smile.gif

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#13 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

now if neone on z400central gives us crap we have a defense:p smile.gif jk

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#14 Post by XCDale »

Well thank you for the welcome everyone. I already like this board a whole lot more than z400central( Everyone isn't 13 and asks how fast a stock Z can go:D ). Sorry for the slow reply, AP Chemistry has been keeping me occupied the last couple of nights.
jesshamner Another Hoosier. Welcome! Where is Lowell? I'm about 30 minutes north of Louisville, KY.

Lowell is actually on the entire opposite side of the state. I am located in NW Indiana, about 20 miles south of Gary. But my father and I do love to go down to Haspin Acres. There is a good chance we will be down there during my spring break.
quadprorider Change your engine oil, trans oil, engine oil filter, and the gas filter often and they will always be your friend like happy says.

Oh, believe me, my dad makes sure all of that happens. He won't let me slip. Both of our dales are meticulously maintained. As a matter of fact, all of the plastic comes off to get washed after every single ride:( )
Psychosis quote:  Do you ever race in Casey, IL? It's not too far from the state lines. I race the Illini Series and a few of their hare scrambles. And also, welcome!

I have not been down to Casey, but that is on the agenda for next season. I raced the entire series at Fox Valley Offroad Park in Ottawa. We plan on hitting quite a few more races in District 17, as well as District 15, and possibly a couple of GNCC's.
blaze#52: welcome XCdale, we will have to hook up and go riding, we were just out today, practicing in the woods. You are probabaly an hour from me, you going to race district 15 harescrambles next year, if you do we might be up to 5 dales, the number would be improving. hope to meet up sometime.

We are planning on hitting some district 15 harescrambles next year, which ones though, we really don't know. That would be great to meet up some time. We are always looking for more people to ride with.
now if neone on z400central gives us crap we have a defense

Oh, I've tried. But arguing with a 13 year old is like fighting with a brick wall. smile.gif

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#15 Post by Rx440 »

Hey everyone, promised Tom I would post this pic up for him. The old and the new...........

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#16 Post by Derno24 »

Welcome and don't listen to ******, Dirt, Bombsquad, heck check with me first and I'll let you know if you can listen to them. Just messing!:eek:

Oh well have fun. As for z400central. If I ever need to vent I just do it there!:hammer:

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