Some pics of me on the YFZ in the snow

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#11 Post by cdaleracer52 »

nice pics, i had fun in the snow with the dale today, i cant believe it went through as much as it did.we got over a foot so a bunch of friends got together and just went riding around towns in the middle of the street.

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#12 Post by CptHook »

Two things:

1.) Nice pics, nice bike.

2.) I bet the snowmobilers in your area love you sad.gif

We have wardens in my area (Maine) grooming the trails now, and if they found us out there on our quads in this snow, all I have to say is that they had better be ready to chase us if they wanted to fine us. That and it really ruts up the trails and such until you get a good amount of packed down snow to ride on (Im still waiting).

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#13 Post by z400m1x »

Thanks for all the replys guys!

i hate snow but i make it worth thw while...

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#14 Post by jlm996s »

We haven't had any snow yet this winter:mad: I like to have one good snow fall a year, most we've had this winter is some flurries.:cry:

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