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Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:34 am
by jcv440
Well, I found out this weekend something different. Jody didn't have any money from OCR, and it was a seperate business situation between Doug and Jody that escilated this situation. It wasn't that Jody didn't want to do the A-arms. But, I'm staying out of this now.......

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:07 am
by OCR
Thats funny, I talked to Jody myself 2 weeks ago and he confirmed my arms were sitting there waiting for ball joints. Yes I purchased them through Doug, but Jody had the arms sitting there and told me "I have quite a few arms ready to go, just waiting for the ball joints"

The reason I talked to him was to find out if he could switch the color of the arms, and he said "Yes, the arms havent been pc'd yet"

So lets see... I order the arms in Dec, then the last week of January i call him and the a arms have no ball joints and arent pc'd yet. Sounds kinda funny to me.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:56 pm
by haydug
Originally posted by jcv440
Well, I found out this weekend something different.  Jody didn't have any money from OCR, and it was a seperate business situation between Doug and Jody that escilated this situation.  It wasn't that Jody didn't want to do the A-arms.  But, I'm staying out of this now.......

Seperate?? How does placing an order for a set of arms for a customer qualify as seperate? I just received 2 subframes (months late also). So, while we are on this subject: Yes, I do think JB took to long with this order. Was is Jody's fault? Maybe not 100%, but for a paying customer, they don't want to hear the buck passed onto someone else. I'm not saying Houser is always on time and the best place to order from either, I know they have taken awhile to get me parts before too. Unforntatly this is the aftermarket business. If I were a millionaire, I would stock enough parts so this would not be a problem, however until I get paid all the money that is owed to me- that probably won't happen either :mad: (I'm not elaberating on that one)..

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:00 pm
by protraxrptr17
I agree with OCR. There are too many of these companies that think they can treat us regular ol' customers any way they want. He can't be making more money by going to the Nationals. He makes money by building a-arms right? Seems like he has no a-arms ready to sell, so he need to have his a** in the shop building arms. Seems kinda simple to me. If he was going to be busy doing otther things than his real job then he should have told OCR in the beginning.

When I was looking for my front end, I called Roll Design first. They acted like they didn't care if I bought their product or not, so I hung up and called Laeger's. Talked to Mark himself for over an hour. He told me it would take six weeks to build it because of the spindles. I didn't care because he spent so much time talking to me and really cared about ME. Four weeks later I had my front end. This all happened in the spring too. JRD has great service too. I got them to build my swingarm. I ordered it three weeks ago and it'll be on the way Monday morning. I think that is pretty good considering the time of year and the fact that he has never built a half Raptor, half 250r swinger before.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:46 pm
by jcv440
First off, once you start up your own atv shop, then you can start bitching about how people run their own business. You don't know the whole story, so why judge? The whole reason I even posted on this subject, is because I'm sick and tired of people going on the internet everytime they don't get their way.

We don't know the whole story about company "X" and we hear one person's point of view. How many times have people came on here and the other site and complained about Maz? When in the end, problems always get worked out. Just like Doug stepping up for OCR. I've been the guy trying to make it, and I just get pissed when someone comes on and starts one of these posts, when we don't know the whole story. They post their opinion, I post mine. That's what the message boards are for.

I know Jody, and this just didn't sound like him. He's bent over backwards for alot of people not on this site, and I wouldn't let this post concern anyone if they plan on purchasing JB Racing components.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:44 am
by OCR
Originally posted by jcv440
1) The whole reason I even posted on this subject, is because I'm sick and tired of people going on the internet everytime they don't get their way.  

2)They post their opinion, I post mine.  That's what the message boards are for.  

3)I wouldn't let this post concern anyone if they plan on purchasing JB Racing components.

1) I'm sorry getting my way is just wanting my product THAT I PAID FOR IN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME- I know there is a waiting time for custom parts, I didnt expect it in a week, I didnt even care after a month, but pushing 2 months and being told it would be longer is not getting MY WAY its getting my product to me.

2)Thats exactly why I came on here and posted about it, if someone would have informed me JB Racing takes as long as they have, I would have made another choice. I didnt have that info so I am giving people something to consider when they go to make a purchase, after all thats what these forums are for.

3)Again, I am telling of my experience w this company so people can make their own choices, if they choose to buy these, great for them, if they choose someone else, than hopefully someone will realize we the customer are not at their mercy so they can start putting the customer as their first priority.

JCV440... lets put it this way.
If you bought a new car and something went wrong, and you bring it in for service and you dont get the car back for 9 weeks, how would you feel?

Or maybe if you ran out of heating oil for your house and they didnt come to fill it up for 9 weeks, how would you feel?

Would you use these companies ever again? Would you tell your friends to use them?