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#11 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

best wishes to him and his family!!

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#12 Post by quadprorider »

Best prayers......I know how hard it is, my grandmother had cancer a while back and I was scared but I did lots praying and she's still here.......

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#13 Post by dalewannbe »

Thanks everyone for the kind words. What he has been through these past 3 years, I wouldn??????????????????t wish on my worst enemy. When his wife called me and told me the lastest news it felt like someone ripped a rug from underneath me and I hit my head on the floor, devastating to say the least. You have made me feel better, so I can try to keep his spirits up.

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