Some Odd Ball and rare guns

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#11 Post by aroracer72 »

I was told not to say a lot about the mp5.....but yes its a 9mm. And my grandpa told me he did some mods to the internals also...stuff i dont know about. But i got to shoot it once....i was surprised how much the silencer was pretty loud then got really hush hush with it on...and it shoots at a very quick rate. Only bad thing is that it has crappy long distance accuracy.

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#12 Post by aroracer72 »

one more friend was over the other day....hes into airsoft...and saw my mp5...and thought it was a beebee gun......and he picked it up and started messing with it. THANK GOD im smart and never keep a loaded clip it.....cause he took the safety off and clicked it...and freaked out. I was really mad at him. NEVER KEEP ANY GUNS LOADED!!!!!!!

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#13 Post by CptHook »

Or better yet dont let your friends handle the guns at all unless instructed on how to properly handle it, determine whether it is loaded or not, and how to clear it if it is loaded.

Those were the first things I was shown before I was ever allowed to touch a weapon, check the safety, and then check the breach to see if there is a loaded round or not.

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#14 Post by aroracer72 »

I know....i didnt have it sitting out in the open...i had it in my gun my closet.....with a lock on it. But my friends knows the comb...and went into my closet.....into the case...and grabbed the gun....and the saftey was on. I was really steamed at him for that......he went in there cause i told him i got a new gun......but he thought it was a toy!!!! i have 2 locks on it...the second lock requires a key...and i hid the key.
that and i always keep the bullets for a gun far away from the gun itself.

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#15 Post by Mjollnir »

What the **** is your friend doing with the combo to your case? You need to secure your weapons better, especially a piece of hardware like that.

Your friend sounds like a first-class dumbass who belongs no where near guns. First rule of gun safety is not to keep them unloaded, it's to treat every gun like it IS loaded. I don't care what someone tells me or what they do, the first thing I do when a gun is put in my hands is open the action and check it with my own eyes before doing ANYTHING else.

This isn't meant as a flame, I thought it had to be said.

If my guns are unloaded when the meth-head comes through the window, what the **** good are they to me?

Really nice MP5 though. Unfortunately illegal in Cali.


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#16 Post by Mjollnir »

Oh yeah, in the first pic, that's not a clip, it's a magazine. There's a difference. biggrin.gif


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#17 Post by aroracer72 »

Cause of when I was holding on to one of his guns for him.

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#18 Post by aroracer72 »

Ohh and as for self defence...thats why i learned a lot of moves and stuff to defend my self..against someone with a weapon or not. When you own a gun.....its always better to learn everyway possible NOT to have to use it. That and my trusty foot long hand sword smile.gif
and yes its still sharp.....old knife...but strong.

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