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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:40 am
by 440EX4ME
Originally posted by haydug
I heard that somewhere, also a bunch of pri**s live there also:  :p


heynow there haydug biggrin.gif

Tooooo funny

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:58 am
by danyeo
Hey Lenny and Derno, long time no talk. New Jersey has all but killed my motivation to get another quad. I mean there is nowhere to ride is there? There are just too many people living here and too much construction is going on and ATV riders are treated like terrorists. But me and the wife have been considering moving to the West Coast in a few years because her parents are retiring to Hawaii. Well see though as lots can happen in that time but I'll be dammed if i lived anywhere out there without a quad. Hey Derno, did your wife have a baby? If so congrats.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:01 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
Originally posted by 440EX4ME
Too funny smile.gif

You check out the site yet?

How you like that YFZ now that you got some time with it?

The yfz is real comfortable, reminds me much of dirtbikes riding it now, it's very low very controlable compared to my dale. the rear end is the best, can be controlled by a simple movement of my hips rather than a huge hump like the dale was, all rider preference. Just it's missing a little bit of power where the dale had extra, but that doesn't mean i can't put in faster lap times on the YFZ. I have been told a few times that the yfz is much like a slot car on the track, so low and nimble, it just turns, points, and power wheelies where you wanna go.. sweet.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:42 pm
by 440EX4ME
Dannyeo Yea it has been a while hasnt it. Now you got to stop giving in to the pressure buy a **** quad and get involved with making things change.

Click on that link in my sig and see what you think you can do to help!!

cdaleracer Have to agree on the handling comparison and the swing arm set up on the yfz does work real well too (as a 400ex owner I can really appreciate that lol).

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:40 pm
by Derno24
Hey Dan,
How have you been? Yes we had the baby and we are all doing fine. We had a boy he is 4mths and happy as a clam.

If you ever want to go back up to Tower again let me know I'll get one of the other machines up and running for ya.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:33 am
by 440EX4ME
Derno you may have an idea there smile.gif

Maybe we need to pick a weekend to get the ole group and some new riders together up there like we did a couple years ago (remember the "dirty dozen" lol).

Whatcha think

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:56 pm
by Derno24
Sounds like a plan. We just gotta pick a weekend!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:09 am
by danyeo
Have you guys been to Saint Clair? I'm not sure if people were getting busted there or not but it was a lot bigger than Tower if you can beleive that.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 12:53 am
by 440EX4ME
Originally posted by danyeo
Have you guys been to Saint Clair? I'm not sure if people were getting busted there or not but it was a lot bigger than Tower if you can beleive that.

Have not been there myself but know people who have, and there has been heat there but they never got into any trouble etc.

After driving 3+ hours I dont care to be getting hassled by the popo as I can get that right here smile.gif

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:17 am
by danyeo
Originally posted by 440EX4ME
Have not been there myself but know people who have, and there has been heat there but they never got into any trouble etc.

After driving 3+ hours I dont care to be getting hassled by the popo as I can get that right here smile.gif

I went there last year with and without the guys from Davids forum, that place is too big to cover in a weekend and i found some SICK hillclimbs last time there. Before i did one hillclimb i had to do a Hail Mary!