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Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:33 am
by yamadjs08
Originally posted by CannondaleRider
No ethnic background or anything, I just heard part of a HIM song on a skating video, and I just HAD to hear more, I just really liked there sound because there so distinct and different, so I started dowloading songs like MAD, and they became my favorite band.

And the other scandinavian bands I heard of through HIM, they all have a connection somehow.

I listen to HIM all the time, not really a whole lot of other scandinavian bands though, just HIM, one of my friends who skates got me into them, and you are right, there is a very distinctive sound to their music. I have 2 of their CD's an earlier one and I think the most recent one, razorblade romance, definately the best CD they have.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:58 am
by CannondaleRider
Thats cool, RR is acctually there 2nd complete album, they've came out with 2(kind of 3) since then, and are working on another right now in Cali.:head:

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 7:09 am
by CptHook
Cannibal67, Ive got two basses actually, I started out with a fender p-bass like what you have and played that for about 6 years, and then decided it was time for something bigger and better so I sold it (wish I had kept it now for sentimental purposes) and bought an Ibanez K5 (5 string) which I love but I decided I needed a 4 string for when I play slap so I just recently picked up a Peavy Cirrus. The peavy makes the ibanez look like crap but I still use ibanez on certain occasions when I really need that low B.

For an amp I as well started out on a fender (which I still have for playing in the house) but am now making payments on an ampeg half-stack so I can actually hear myself over a drum set and guitars now.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:04 pm
by CptHook
nice lol

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:33 am
by candyassmiler
jesshamner, you play drums?! weve got to get together. i play guitar. well theres three of us in the same house playing geetar, but we have a drumset. my friend will play them a little just so we can jam. theyre older than ****, but its fun. none of can rock out on a geetar, but its all in fun.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:09 am
by TraumaRN
I've heard there are pics of you playing the mystical "Male" Organ. Any truth to this?!?!tongue.gif
Originally posted by ******
I heard bombsquad plays some "special" flute in his "special" closet.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:37 am
by candyassmiler
it's a flute, not an organ....hah:)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 4:39 am
by jesshamner
Originally posted by candyassmiler
jesshamner, you play drums?!  weve got to get together.  i play guitar.  well theres three of us in the same house playing geetar, but we have a drumset.  my friend will play them a little just so we can jam.  theyre older than ****, but its fun.  none of can rock out on a geetar, but its all in fun.

Dude that sounds good. Let me know. I'm rusty b/c I don't get to play that much but if you want to jam, lets do it.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 4:56 am
by candyassmiler
i definitely want to. but im not playing the flute

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 5:27 am
by jesshamner
Originally posted by candyassmiler
i definitely want to.  but im not playing the flute

I wouldn't let you touch my flute.