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Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:06 am
by claas900 a speed map,or x440 map,then bring the pred. down to 450cc..then see whats up..

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:44 am
by bombsquad54
why would that be fair, if i do that i better take the moto down to a 432 then. smile.gif stock bore vs. stock bore. the predator is getting some serious upgrades soon.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:19 pm
by Happyboy
stock bore vs. stock bore and the dale can still keep up if not beat the preddy on the track. That is shamefull. It has almost 70ccs on the dale. Too bad someone never came down to our side of the park to see how that preddy would run against the big dale. smile.gif

The Falicon had tons of power. I was very very very happy with it. I was happy to see I could beat a ATK 450 with the falicon/port/velocity stack I had setup. And the guy weighed quite a bit less than me also. An ATK setup right next to us in camp. Very nice guy.

I really need to lose some weight. Everyone that got on it said they liked the power, just that the suspension was too hard. No its not!! Its just right!! smile.gif

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:46 pm
by bombsquad54
yea the guecko sand tires i bought really sucked so bad, all i did was spin through 3rd gear. i dragged that ATK once, i beat him, but for the first 3 gears he had me (spinning) yea sean, i wish we couldve rode togather, i just hate that campground and always ran out of gas when we thought about stopping by. it was a great weekend of riding tho, you guys have fun? besides the broke chain. im running the same setup on my dale sean except the port work.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:52 pm
by USAMoto00
I have a friend with 2 highly modded Pred's with big bore's in both and all kinds of other goodies as well. Whenever we drag raced, he jumped from me off the line and from then on out I just reeled him in and passed him up easily. When I clicked 5th it was like passing him with turbo boost. I easily pulled him in every gear although slow. I did notice that from up top in 3rd thru the rest of the gears I gained considerable more speed than him. I will say that his torque for those machines is awesome especially with his Vortex box to dial them in for you. By the wy Squad, I hope you were joking about stock to stock bore when the C-dale gives up so much cc's. The Pred is an Open classer last time I checked.:deal:

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:23 pm
by bombsquad54
actually brian the predator is not an open bike anymore, you can race one in pro production, and pro quads, i guess they made an exception for the predator, yea the 03-04 and 05 non TLDs dont excelerate very fast in the top gears, but with the better tranny (TLD) it makes it more interesting. my buds highly built 03 pred gets beat by my stock 05. LOL he was like :eek: the dale does pull the predator in top end a little but. . . oh its close!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:37 am
by USAMoto00
Are you saying that you can run a 500cc quad in a National Production class with 450cc quads? (Because the limit according to the rule book states a 450 limit unless you run Open or Unlimited classes.) Personally I have never seen a Pred run a Production class because it was illegal. Just like a Raptor. (Over the displacement limit):usa

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:09 am
by cdalepilot
are those pics at little sahara, bomb. hows that reverse gear on the pred. workn for ya.? your gonna regret selling your cdale. ohmy.gif

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:48 am
by bombsquad54
they made an exception starting this year for the pred, usamoto yea those are sahara pics, i know im going to miss the dale!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:19 pm
by USAMoto00
So they CAN run 500cc in a 450 class and your talking about stock to stock still?? lol Seems like the Pred is at a disadvantage no matter how you look at it.:usa And the funny thing is that it (Pred)SHOULD have an advantage because of the cc's, right? I hope your making money off of running that thing.:deal: