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Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:10 am
by Smitty911
QUOTE (Mjollnir @ Mar 9 2007, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

This one is for you, Smitty - the Helix Nebula, called the "Eye of God" by many.


Thanks for that one. I have seen it in the past and it is beautiful. As are the rest.

I don't see the straw man. Could you elaborate?

Anyway, moving on. You have made a valiant attempt to set up a straw man with your car bomb theory, but even it doesn't hold up, because the universe is very predictable when it comes to these things. Anyway, as your car bomb explodes, the gravity of the mass involved and nearby interact and aggregate into a single mass - this is what matter does in the universe. In this case, the earth affects the particulates created in the explosion far more than the particulates affect the earth, only because of the size difference. It happens very fast on this small of a scale. Thusly - order. From your explosion, order is created. Certainly, the parts of the car are not sorted into neat piles, and the explosion doesn't create a duck or something, but it doesn't matter. There is still order - the matter involved in the explosion coalesced. This is exactly what happened after the big bang, only on a massive scale.

I agree with you almost 100% on the formations of planets and stars throughout universe. These are all acted on by Laws of Psychics. No great mystery, as we have seen, and can agree upon. Being that the universe started with a Bang proves that space and time had a starting point and therefore the the notion that the universe is an endless loop of expansion and contraction have been "I Believe" given up on by most scientist. Since we now know that time and space have a beginning, what started it? No natural explanation that I'm aware of (I allow for the chance of being wrong of course), So a Supernatural act had to happen. = God. What I take from your statement on the car bomb is that because the Earth is bigger than the force applied at the time than order comes? I have to admit I don't get it. Every time I have blown stuff up the only thing that happens is a hole conical in shape with the displaced ground moved outwards until gravity overcomes the parts and they come back down to earth in a predetermined point based on Gravitational forces, wind, trajectory, etc. So no order, nothing created. except the hole. biggrin.gif

When people see Mt. Rushmore do they think that it happened due to Wind, Rain and Time? of Course not. We see things in creation due to a creator. The Laws of Psychics started when?

For clarity - "I" believe that the universe started in an instant of time (Big Bang) by God. At that point he put into place the Laws of Psychics. Everything after that (planet and Star formation, etc) are an effect of those Laws. I believe that God can effect those Laws at will to accomplish his will. When he made the Earth, it HAD to be made able to support life. So how old would it appear? To make the Earth inhabitable the galaxy around it also had to function accordingly, so how old would it appear? To make the galaxy functional how would the Universe have to appear. So the whole thing was set up as a SYSTEM in the 6 days of creation.

Please remember that IF GOD exist, that said God would would be able to do all of the above. Other wise he's not much of a god.

I enjoy the science you bring to the discussion. I wish you have additional time to be involved, but we all have priorities. It is us who will miss your input.

Thanks again for the Eye of God.


QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Mar 9 2007, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Catholics even get marked.Palm Sunday ash cross right on forehead.Remember that as a kid Happy?I agree guys even though it can be heated at times discussion of religion is a good thing.

I remember before I knew anything about Catholicism, walking up to a guy and saying he had dirt on his head.

ohmy.gif Very embarrassing.

Nothing shows how little you know faster than an open mouth (or working keyboard). laugh.gif


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:07 am
by cannondale27
I agree with you almost 100% on the formations of planets and stars throughout universe. These are all acted on by Laws of Psychics. No great mystery, as we have seen, and can agree upon. Being that the universe started with a Bang proves that space and time had a starting point and therefore the the notion that the universe is an endless loop of expansion and contraction have been "I Believe" given up on by most scientist. Since we now know that time and space have a beginning, what started it? No natural explanation that I'm aware of (I allow for the chance of being wrong of course), So a Supernatural act had to happen. = God. What I take from your statement on the car bomb is that because the Earth is bigger than the force applied at the time than order comes? I have to admit I don't get it. Every time I have blown stuff up the only thing that happens is a hole conical in shape with the displaced ground moved outwards until gravity overcomes the parts and they come back down to earth in a predetermined point based on Gravitational forces, wind, trajectory, etc. So no order, nothing created. except the hole.

When people see Mt. Rushmore do they think that it happened due to Wind, Rain and Time? of Course not. We see things in creation due to a creator. The Laws of Psychics started when?

For clarity - "I" believe that the universe started in an instant of time (Big Bang) by God. At that point he put into place the Laws of Psychics. Everything after that (planet and Star formation, etc) are an effect of those Laws. I believe that God can effect those Laws at will to accomplish his will. When he made the Earth, it HAD to be made able to support life. So how old would it appear? To make the Earth inhabitable the galaxy around it also had to function accordingly, so how old would it appear? To make the galaxy functional how would the Universe have to appear. So the whole thing was set up as a SYSTEM in the 6 days of creation.

Please remember that IF GOD exist, that said God would would be able to do all of the above. Other wise he's not much of a god.

I enjoy the science you bring to the discussion. I wish you have additional time to be involved, but we all have priorities. It is us who will miss your input.

Thanks again for the Eye of God.


Smitty Awesome.I agree with your assesment mostly.Still believe Big Bangs are going on all the time just not here.Now since you believe whole universe was created by God and the Laws of physics along with it why couldnt there be other intelligent life out there that God created?Also why since God created on such a grand scale would that same God actually say a small group of people here on Earth are His "chosen" people etc. etc. etc.Isnt there a religion who believes Jesus also came to them after rising?Why is the small little nitpicky things written in Bible so important when compared to such a grand scale?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 9:53 am
by Mjollnir
QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Mar 9 2007, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thanks for that one. I have seen it in the past and it is beautiful. As are the rest.

I don't see the straw man. Could you elaborate?
I agree with you almost 100% on the formations of planets and stars throughout universe. These are all acted on by Laws of Psychics. No great mystery, as we have seen, and can agree upon. Being that the universe started with a Bang proves that space and time had a starting point and therefore the the notion that the universe is an endless loop of expansion and contraction have been "I Believe" given up on by most scientist. Since we now know that time and space have a beginning, what started it? No natural explanation that I'm aware of (I allow for the chance of being wrong of course), So a Supernatural act had to happen. = God. What I take from your statement on the car bomb is that because the Earth is bigger than the force applied at the time than order comes? I have to admit I don't get it. Every time I have blown stuff up the only thing that happens is a hole conical in shape with the displaced ground moved outwards until gravity overcomes the parts and they come back down to earth in a predetermined point based on Gravitational forces, wind, trajectory, etc. So no order, nothing created. except the hole. biggrin.gif


The straw man was the car bomb analogy. You set up a scenario in which you could illustrate the point that you were trying to make - that no order comes from chaos. In your analogy, it appears correct, and therefore by alleging that no discernible order comes from that scenario, you conclude the same must hold true for the larger scenario of the big bang.

Not sure about the expanding contracting thing, but the unifying theory now is M-Theory, which united the five superstring theories that preceded it. M-Theory is still a work in progress, but it works. 12 dimensions, and the possibility of parallel universes. I am no physicist, but it's very fascinating. According to those much smarter than I, M-Theory can shows mathematically that the big bang happened, because it overcomes what is called "Planck density". Regular physics could not move past this density, which is roughly equivalent to stuffing the matter of 100 billion galaxies into the nucleus of a single atom. None of the superstring theories could do that alone.

In other words, this universe had a beginning, but according to M-Theory, it is one of multiple, perhaps infinite other universes, which may have different laws of physics. There is math on this, but it is out of my league. The point of this is that although our universe had a definate "beginning", time existed before our universe, as there are other universes out there.

I'll try the car bomb thing again. It doesn't matter how large the parts are. In the case of the car bomb, because our perspective is at the small scale, it appears that the matter ejected by the explosion causes any material expelled to "fall back" to earth, the matter involved is coalescing due to gravity. Same principal as that of a larger scale. For instance, when a supergiant star goes supernova, it explodes after swelling to many thousands of times it's original size. It ejects particulate matter into space. Some of that matter has the energy and velocity required to escape the pull of the gravity of the matter that is left where the star was. Perhaps a lot of it does. However, much of it falls back into itself because of the gravity that that matter posesses. In the case of a smaller star, the result is a white or brown dwarf. In the case of a larger star, a black hole may result.

You are correct, when you say that nothing is "created" due to an explosion. Nothing is ever created. All the matter that has ever existed will always exist. Nothing was created as part of the big bang either, the matter involved was there when the bang happened, it was just relocated, then interacted to form the planets, stars, and ultimately everything else that is comprised of matter. Matter is constantly reformed. The iron in our bodies, and all heavy elements, is created in stars, generally when the die and go supernova. In the beginning, there was only a soup of primordial matter, the most simple elements didn't form until 500,000 to 1 million years after the big bang event. Stars begain igniting around 200 million years after, giving them 199 million years or so for them to coalesce and begin thermonuclear reactions. In the cores of these stars, and as they went supernova and died, the heavier elements were created, allowing planets and matter as we know it to form.

Another story - our moon was formed when a large asteroid, perhaps 1/4 to 1/2 the size of earth, slammed into the earth. This created a chain of events which saw the ejecta from the impact being sent into space. Some of this got away, some fell back to earth, and some stayed in orbit. The stuff that stayed in orbit coalesced and became our moon. Now, I know you're a sharp guy, so you're going to ask why Saturn's rings haven't become another moon. Good question. Imagine a moon whose orbit is slowly spiraling in taking the moon closer and closer to the planet. As the moon comes closer to the planet, the tidal forces stretch the moon more and more, deforming it. At some point the strength of the forces deforming the moon is stronger than the internal forces that keep the moon held together, and the moon is torn apart, broken into pieces. The distance from the planet at which this happens is called the Roche limit. Were the internal forces of the moon holding it together strong enough to keep it from breaking apart, it would eventually fall, and aggregate with it's larger partner.

My point here is that it doesn't matter how BIG the particulates involved are. As long as they have mass, they have gravity, and will coalesce. Even in a lopsided event like a speck of dust vs. the earth, both objects have gravity, and that is what brings them together. As i said earlier - it is only our perspective makes us perceive that the ejecta from our small scale explosion "falls to earth" Two specks of dust in a vacuum, unimpeded by any other forces, would eventually come together. Those two specks of dust would have slightly more gravity, and would attract more specks. soon, 100, 1000, 1,000,000; 100,000,000,000,000 specks of dust come together, they have some real pull (pun intended) and after a few million years, we're in business.

Anyway, truth is, I believe something along the lines of what you described, perhaps even in 6 days, give or take 13.7 billion years. wink.gif

I'll finish with a good quote:

"What I really want to know is, how many different ways can God make a universe?" -Albert Einstein

-Marc "There is No Spoon" S.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:38 pm
by Smitty911
QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Mar 10 2007, 05:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Smitty Awesome.I agree with your assessment mostly. Still believe Big Bangs are going on all the time just not here. Now since you believe whole universe was created by God and the Laws of physics along with it why couldn't there be other intelligent life out there that God created? Also why since God created on such a grand scale would that same God actually say a small group of people here on Earth are His "chosen" people etc. etc. etc. isn't there a religion who believes Jesus also came to them after rising? Why is the small little nit picky things written in Bible so important when compared to such a grand scale?


I believe the Big Bang was a singular event in which this dimension was created. Where all of the items needed for what we see today. This is of course "Fine Tuned" by the creator". Below from "a Case for Faith"

British phyicist P.C. Davis has concluded the odds against the initial conditions being suitable for the formation of starts - a necessity for planets and thus life - is on followed by at lest a thousand billion billion zeros.

Davis also estimated that if the strength of gravity or of the weak force were changed by only one part in ten followed by a hundred zeros, life could never have developed.

There are about fifty constants and quan smile.gif tities - for example, the amount of usable energy in the universe, the difference in mass between protons and neutrons, the ratios of the fundamental forces of nature, and the proportion of matter to antimatter- that must be balanced to a mathematically infinitesimal degree for any life to be possible.

Patrick Glynn - Harvard educated - Associate Director and Scholar-in-Resident George Washington University- "Today, the concrete data points strongly in the direction of the God hypothesis...Those who wish to oppose it have no testable theory to marshal, only speculations about unseen universes spun from fertile scientific imagination... Ironically, the picture of the universe bequeathed to us by the most advanced twentieth-century science is closer in spirit to the vision presented in the Book of Genesis than anything offered by science since Copernicus."

So the chances of this being repeated are so small to be Mathematically impossible. You could say it's still possible, but you have to conceder if it's probably.
ex. It is possible for me to win the lottery, it is possible for me to win the lottery twice (people have done it), it is even possible for me to win every lottery for one year every time they have a drawing.

But what is the Probability. ZERO that is the probability above for this to happen again based on the math. Therefore something started the Party, his name is GOD.

Moving on the Life origin -
First Law of Biology - Living matter does not come from Non-Living matter.

We know today what DNA, RNA, amino acids, peptides, etc the building blocks of life.
Biopolymers (proteins) assembled with ONLY right handed building blocks (amino acids) and ONLY the correct isomers (Left handed amino acids) joined the to correct peptide bonds in only the correct sequence.

I really don't want to type all of the information I have in regards to this impossible chain of events to happen. Suffice to say that Nobel Prize-winner Sir Francis Crick said "The origin of life appears to be almost a miracle, so many conditions which would have had to be satisfied to get going."

So you have to not only have the elements, you have to add information (sequencing), in the string to created a single cell, than a method of reproduction, etc. etc. to finally get to us.

The chances of it happening again on a different planet are so small that they could not be mathematically valid.

I see we are back to God's chosen people. Once again - He calls all men, everywhere. Everyone who has ever lived are his "CHOSEN" people. The Bible specifically states, in so many versus that This post would implode, that God loves each and everyone of us. He wants to have a relationship with us.

We use our Human Perception to define this as a "Grand Scale" we only have that to work from. The Bible does not say if there is life on other planets. It simply says that God created the heavens and earth and put man on it. But this silence on the subject does not require that earth is the only place with life on it. But then again, this doesn't mean there IS life out there, either. Even if there is life on other planets (I don't believe there is) they would still be subject to God and the conditions he set in place. So they would need Jesus just the same. We were also created in "HIS IMAGE" and where declared "GOOD" (before mans fall in the Garden) so the little green men probably wouldn't be little green men.

I'm not aware of any other religion that has stated that Jesus appeared to them. The Mormons have taught that while Jesus was in the tomb three days he was actually vacationing on North America to share with the Native Americans, that were actually Jews that came over a couple of hundred years earlier. I found it hard to believe that with todays DNA that some Mormons still actually believe the Native Americans are of Jewish decent, instead of Asian decent. This of course disagrees with the Bible and DNA evidence.

What "Nit Picky" things? I have made my case on the Bible accuracy and validity. Other have stated that they still disagree. I'm still waiting for proof of a changed message due to some added clarifying words in one verse that isn't in all translations. smile.gif


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:40 pm
by Smitty911
Double post


Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:25 pm
by Smitty911
QUOTE (Mjollnir @ Mar 10 2007, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1. The straw man was the car bomb analogy. You set up a scenario in which you could illustrate the point that you were trying to make - that no order comes from chaos. In your analogy, it appears correct, and therefore by alleging that no discernible order comes from that scenario, you conclude the same must hold true for the larger scenario of the big bang.

2. Not sure about the expanding contracting thing, but the unifying theory now is M-Theory, which united the five superstring theories that preceded it. M-Theory is still a work in progress, but it works. 12 dimensions, and the possibility of parallel universes. I am no physicist, but it's very fascinating. According to 9. those much smarter than I, M-Theory can shows mathematically that the big bang happened, because it overcomes what is called "Planck density". Regular physics could not move past this density, which is roughly equivalent to stuffing the matter of 100 billion galaxies into the nucleus of a single atom. None of the superstring theories could do that alone.

3. In other words, this universe had a beginning, but according to M-Theory, it is one of multiple, perhaps infinite other universes, which may have different laws of physics. There is math on this, but it is out of my league. The point of this is that although our universe had a definate "beginning", time existed before our universe, as there are other universes out there.

4. I'll try the car bomb thing again. It doesn't matter how large the parts are. In the case of the car bomb, because our perspective is at the small scale, it appears that the matter ejected by the explosion causes any material expelled to "fall back" to earth, the matter involved is coalescing due to gravity. Same principal as that of a larger scale. For instance, when a supergiant star goes supernova, it explodes after swelling to many thousands of times it's original size. It ejects particulate matter into space. Some of that matter has the energy and velocity required to escape the pull of the gravity of the matter that is left where the star was. Perhaps a lot of it does. However, much of it falls back into itself because of the gravity that that matter posesses. In the case of a smaller star, the result is a white or brown dwarf. In the case of a larger star, a black hole may result.

5. You are correct, when you say that nothing is "created" due to an explosion. Nothing is ever created. All the matter that has ever existed will always exist. Nothing was created as part of the big bang either, the matter involved was there when the bang happened, it was just relocated, then interacted to form the planets, stars, and ultimately everything else that is comprised of matter. Matter is constantly reformed. The iron in our bodies, and all heavy elements, is created in stars, generally when the die and go supernova. In the beginning, there was only a soup of primordial matter, the most simple elements didn't form until 500,000 to 1 million years after the big bang event. Stars begain igniting around 200 million years after, giving them 199 million years or so for them to coalesce and begin thermonuclear reactions. In the cores of these stars, and as they went supernova and died, the heavier elements were created, allowing planets and matter as we know it to form.

6. Another story - our moon was formed when a large asteroid, perhaps 1/4 to 1/2 the size of earth, slammed into the earth. This created a chain of events which saw the ejecta from the impact being sent into space. Some of this got away, some fell back to earth, and some stayed in orbit. The stuff that stayed in orbit coalesced and became our moon. Now, I know you're a sharp guy, so you're going to ask why Saturn's rings haven't become another moon. Good question. Imagine a moon whose orbit is slowly spiraling in taking the moon closer and closer to the planet. As the moon comes closer to the planet, the tidal forces stretch the moon more and more, deforming it. At some point the strength of the forces deforming the moon is stronger than the internal forces that keep the moon held together, and the moon is torn apart, broken into pieces. The distance from the planet at which this happens is called the Roche limit. Were the internal forces of the moon holding it together strong enough to keep it from breaking apart, it would eventually fall, and aggregate with it's larger partner.

7. My point here is that it doesn't matter how BIG the particulates involved are. As long as they have mass, they have gravity, and will coalesce. Even in a lopsided event like a speck of dust vs. the earth, both objects have gravity, and that is what brings them together. As i said earlier - it is only our perspective makes us perceive that the ejecta from our small scale explosion "falls to earth" Two specks of dust in a vacuum, unimpeded by any other forces, would eventually come together. Those two specks of dust would have slightly more gravity, and would attract more specks. soon, 100, 1000, 1,000,000; 100,000,000,000,000 specks of dust come together, they have some real pull (pun intended) and after a few million years, we're in business.

8. Anyway, truth is, I believe something along the lines of what you described, perhaps even in 6 days, give or take 13.7 billion years. wink.gif

I'll finish with a good quote:

9. "What I really want to know is, how many different ways can God make a universe?" -Albert Einstein

-Marc "There is No Spoon" S.


I have placed bold numbers above in an attempt to keep track of things.

1. I concede the straw man point. If given enough time that the Laws of Physics take over. Here is the rub, how much time? LOL

2. I agree those are some Theories that have yet to be played out. Side note: Mathematically I can prove I'm the Pope. ohmy.gif

3. Multiply Universes and Multiply dimensions - If those are true it would make rational conduct of life impossible, because you could explain away anything, no matter how improbable - by postulating an infinite number of other universes.

ex.If you were dealing cards in a poker game and each time you dealt yourself four aces, you couldn't be accused of cheating, no matter how improbable the situation. You could merely point out that in an infinite ensemble of universes, there will occur a universe in which every time a person deals, he deals four aces to himself -therefore - Lucky Me!!! - I just happen to be in that universe.

Other universes out there - do we have that kind of space? (Pun intended) cool.gif

4. Agreed in the current time we see the effects of those explosions and the formation of things from a while ago.

5. "All the matter that has ever existed will always exist." So where did the material and energy come from? Note: The Bible say God created it and the last book (revelation) says that all of it will pass away.

6. The moon story - I have heard several stories over the last 44 years about why we have a moon. Captured asteroid, impact, spin off, etc. We actually don't know, do we?
Note: The Bible says that God created it there. wink.gif

7. I agree, natural laws will control the outcome after the creation of said laws and matter in which to act upon. Would you agree that a Supernatural creator could effect those natural laws?

8. Man you need a better calender, lots of disparity between 6 days and 13.7 billion years. Some Estimate the Earth at 5,000,000,000 years old. Most of the time "Natural Process" would be used just to get it to the correct temperature for life to even begin. some have estimated that the time gap between the earth reaching the correct temp and the first emergence of life was only about 400,000,000 years ago. That is not much time for a chemical evolution to take place let alone the complexity to form.

9. Answer: One if he could have done it differently would it had the same outcome he intended.

Thanks for all the information, most of which we actually agree upon.

I have recently stated reading "A Case For Faith" by Lee Strobel, He was an Atheist, journalist and lawyer. His investigative work lead him to believe in God. In this book he covers a lot of what we are discussing and I have used (Shamelessly) some of the information provided.

I feel strongly that for some people reading this thread that by going though this book a lot of your questions will be covered more completely and accurately than what I can provide. I am willing to put my money where my mouth (Keyboard) is. I will purchase and send copies to 10 people who are interested in reading it. It's a $15.00 book and I have limited resources so I cannot get one for everyone. The only request I make is that as men/women of our words that you will read it and participate in discussion on it.

I will not share who wants a book so please PM me.



Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:55 pm
by Mjollnir
QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Mar 10 2007, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
2. I agree those are some Theories that have yet to be played out. Side note: Mathematically I can prove I'm the Pope. ohmy.gif

I would love to see that equasion. Seriously. biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Mar 10 2007, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
3. Multiply Universes and Multiply dimensions - If those are true it would make rational conduct of life impossible, because you could explain away anything, no matter how improbable - by postulating an infinite number of other universes.

Not entirely true, as we live in this one. If you were an interdimensional traveler, maybe...

QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Mar 10 2007, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Other universes out there - do we have that kind of space? (Pun intended) cool.gif

Actually, we do. The math says that they are layered on top of one another, like membranes. That is part of what all those extra dimensions are for.

QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Mar 10 2007, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
5. "All the matter that has ever existed will always exist." So where did the material and energy come from? Note: The Bible say God created it and the last book (revelation) says that all of it will pass away.

6. The moon story - I have heard several stories over the last 44 years about why we have a moon. Captured asteroid, impact, spin off, etc. We actually don't know, do we?
Note: The Bible says that God created it there. wink.gif

7. I agree, natural laws will control the outcome after the creation of said laws and matter in which to act upon. Would you agree that a Supernatural creator could effect those natural laws?

Can't argue with any of that, as it's a matter of faith. Rock samples from both earth and the moon do pretty much tell us for certain how the moon was formed, though.

QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Mar 10 2007, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
8. Man you need a better calender, lots of disparity between 6 days and 13.7 billion years. Some Estimate the Earth at 5,000,000,000 years old. Most of the time "Natural Process" would be used just to get it to the correct temperature for life to even begin. some have estimated that the time gap between the earth reaching the correct temp and the first emergence of life was only about 400,000,000 years ago. That is not much time for a chemical evolution to take place let alone the complexity to form.

Well, that's a statement of opinion, I suppose, but that's cool.

Great discussion, Smitty, you are a gentleman and a scholar. cool.gif


Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 3:17 am
by Happyboy
QUOTE (Smitty911 @ Mar 10 2007, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

2. I agree those are some Theories that have yet to be played out. Side note: Mathematically I can prove I'm the Pope. ohmy.gif


Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 7:45 am
by Smitty911
QUOTE (Happyboy @ Mar 11 2007, 03:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

It's a really old joke. The Pope is One, I am One, therefore I am the Pope. I didn't do it to offend you.

Sorry if you were.


Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:29 pm
by Happyboy