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Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:41 pm
by NRath
Ahhh, back at work. Let the misery begin!

We had a great trip! The riding was really phenomenal!! KFXBryan and I showed up on Wednesday night to an empty camp. Thursday's riding was great! The trails were empty and calling us. Jess and WhiteZee showed up Friday morning. We all hooked up for a ride with Mike- one of the Majestic guys. He led us around a few of the closed areas. It was pretty quiet around on Friday, too. A little rain came in Friday afternoon which was really a good thing- it was starting to get a little dusty. The camp filled up as Friday wore on. Saturday's riding started a little slick from the rain. Once that wore in, it was an awesome day!

Majestic has some of the sweetest trails anywhere. It was cool to meet a couple of faces I hadn't before. 2000EX will flat throw it down in the woods! I'm guessing it's not much different on the MX track. As usual, Timbo gets around those trails like he lives there. Actually, I think he does! If you can keep on Tim's grab bar, you're doing something. I had a great time riding with Jess, WhiteZee (on his Honda), Dunnbandit, JTracker, Haz Matt, 2000EX, Timbo, and many others. Zach the Yami-guy led us on a good ride on Saturday afternoon, too! There were many more there that I didn't get to ride with, but it was good to shoot the bull with you guys back in camp! It's really cool to see a pile of 'Dales in one place!

As for pics- I've got hundreds of them!

But they're all in my head!!! tongue.gif It was too much fun riding to stop and take pics- sorry! Hoppefully you can make it next time! WhiteZee has some awesome helmet cam he'll hopefully throw together for us, though! That'll be worth a thousand pictures!

Special thanks to Majestic for having us again, their hospitality was top notch! They came around 3 or 4 times a day to see if we needed anything.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:03 pm
by cannondale27
I think it was the best ridng ever there.Someone said it was like a TT trackin the woods!Yea only better.

Hey Nrath I rode with you too but I think you guys in front were so far ahead you probably never noticed.Man I am in bad shape.

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:15 pm
by NRath
Oh yeah, you were there! That started out as a pretty big group! Every time we stopped, a couple more fell out! I bet there were 7 dales in that group of probably 10 or so. Timbo fell out first after he kissed an inside wall and flipped. Then JTracker caught up and a few more fell out. It's impossible to get out and ride with everyone, that's for sure! I'm glad you made the trip 27! And I know you needed something else to do when you get home!

What's dreamride's Dad's name? I owe that guy a shout out as well!

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:25 pm
by 2000ex
Great to meet you too Neil! Timbo and Zack were setting a pretty good pace up front so I just had to stay far enough back from getting sprayed with roost. Talk about a blast through. It was my saying it was like TT in the woods which is totally true, except MUCH more fun.

It really sucked I had to leave so early, I was just getting warmed up and had to bounce. I would have loved to see Tom Hall lay the smack down on the motor Zach and I tossed in there on Wednesday night on some high dollar 450R!
Looks like we did not even have to break out any big bore bad boys to do the trick.

I am looking forward to next year already!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:37 am
by cannondale27
Wes within a few hrs of you leaving the slime dryed off the trails and they were absolutely perfect. Traction galore in 80% and no dust. It just doesn't get any better.

Dreamride's Dads name is Mike Sr.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:55 pm
by kdeal
Well I got back late last night and I am exhausted! The riding was awesome (yes, I rode)! I let NRath drive my quad during the drags and he didn't do too bad (sans the 100 ft wheelie against Zac) laugh.gif I guess we are going to have to build Neil a quicker motor now! Once they taste the power, they are addicted! I can't remember a Group Ride that I had more fun at. Thanks guys!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:22 pm
by speedracer
QUOTE (kdeal @ Sep 15 2009, 08:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I got back late last night and I am exhausted! The riding was awesome (yes, I rode)! I let NRath drive my quad during the drags and he didn't due too bad (sans the 100 ft wheelie against Zac) laugh.gif I guess we are going to have to build Neil a quicker motor now! Once they taste the power, they are addicted! I can't remember a Group Ride that I had more fun at. Thanks guys!
Did you get your drag dale done Ken? If so what about pics or H.P. #s.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:32 pm
by dunnbandit1
Good seeing everybody again. I had a great time like always.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:02 pm
by NRath
QUOTE (kdeal @ Sep 15 2009, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I let NRath drive my quad during the drags and he didn't due too bad (sans the 100 ft wheelie against Zac) laugh.gif I guess we are going to have to build Neil a quicker motor now! Once they taste the power, they are addicted!

KDeal's ride is a beast! That thing definitely has gobs of power. Once you stab it, there's nothing holding it back. Definitely makes my 432 seem a bit, uhh, mellow. As for building mine, I've got some ideas! Just don't know how to get there. First step is to haul it to a dyno, I guess to see where I stand right now.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:48 pm
by cannondale27
Look what we found at all the hotels and travel centers around PA. Sure missed him at the ride. See if you can tell who it is. Upper right corner. He is famous now!
