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Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:17 pm
by tjusa
does anybody no who left the axe over buy the big tent ?? also a blue table but i thingk that may have been left on perpus !!LOL

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:18 pm
by TheJaspMan
Originally posted by haydug
other site?? I thought it was a cannondaleriders ride??  :confused:

I only found them over there. Talk to TJUSA about the placement!!! :whip:

And I really didn't mean 'other site' as much as I ment 'the other site'. If that even makes sense.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:19 pm
by tjusa
yes it is cannodaleriders ride i dont know what she was doing but ill have her edit when she gets home and also post pics over here sorry doug . **** kids LOL !!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:20 pm
by TheJaspMan
Originally posted by tjusa
yes it is cannodaleriders  ride  i dont know what she was doing but ill have her edit when she gets home and also post pics over here  sorry doug . **** kids LOL !!!!!!!!!

Now I'm starting to see the bloodline.... {snicker} :hammer: :rotf

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:22 pm
by tjusa
Now I'm starting to see the bloodline.... {snicker}  


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:46 pm
by cdalerider75
Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Now I'm starting to see the bloodline....  {snicker}  :hammer: :rotf

Does that mean one day she is going to open her own kick A** ATV park?? smile.gif

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:02 pm
by banzairx7
Originally posted by Drew
I just want to thank everyone for the help and knowledge they lent me...I now know where the spark plug is...LoL!!  Great group of guys, too bad I only got to ride for 10 mins - that was just to goto the motocross track to see Haydug in the rain still kicking some a@#.  Loneracer and cannondale0128 (sp) also were flying....Next time I hope to get to ride some.

I know how ya feel. 20hrs of driving and I got to ride for 20 minutes. Two flats, two bad stators and a dead battery all conspired to keep me off the trails. There was no lack of people trying to get my quad up and going again thankfully. Kdeal is the man! He was like a rolling cannondale store biggrin.gif

It was still great to meet everyone. The trails were awesome from what little I saw. I'll be back for sure come spring. It's freakin cold up there!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:53 pm
by USAMoto00
Where was Yammie 0128 hiding?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:26 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
i was there all day sat since like 10 in the morning, rode all day long, blew the head gasket on yfz, dragged the dale some, stuck around for the BBQ then packed the stuff n headed to hotel fort the night, it was too cold out there.. came back in the mornin wanted to rdie but it was too **** cold again.. so we just went home! had a great time sat though!!

brian where were u n jason!?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:03 pm
by USAMoto00
We(Michelle, Jason, & me) showed up around 5-6. We chatted some, then we went down to the chicken dinner for some good eats. I talked to Frank, Speed24, ******, Nrath(?), Haydug, and some others and then went back to the camp and hung out with the Jasp family for a while. We even brought all the quads Leric. They were all shined up and ready to go, but when we went for a hotel room we got a $95 quote. I said "no way"!. So I drove our butts back home to some warm house's. Oh yea, and the quads are still shined up and ready to go!smile.gif