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Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:42 am
by cdalemx301
Im wondering if mayb we should have a class for guys who have never ridden a track before or something....i mean i am moving up to race B this year but i kno a lot of u C guys are prob faster then me.....mayb we should run like seperate classes and if people feel comfortable running with others on the track as in a C running with B to get expierance or something then that would be allowed cuz i was hoping to run with some of the faster guys to try and pick up some tips

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:52 am
by DMS
Originally posted by haydug
Do they have an "old, fat, & slow" class??
Sign me up for that one too. :head:

Computer is still down

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:15 am
by USAMoto00
Okay, a little update on our progress. I have one special guest coming to this ride that should get everyone pretty amped.:wow We are still at a full 25 if Timbo ends up coming. The only guy I'm not sure about would be Slick Nick, which I will find out ASAP. I'm still working on a final price with NEMX for our evening ride. If they won't give in anymore, it's looking like it's going to cost us $40 (minus the $25 deposit = $15) which is a little more than I had hoped but I am still trying to get that cost down. 1 way to do that is ask for a spectator fee or donation for watching. You guys can let me know your thought on that. The track is going to be very quad friendly and busy. I went to watch and they were doing 10 minute sessions and it was wearing most people out. Only the Pro-Am guys were not slowing down.(Josh Upperman and Justin Hanosusky) If you have any questions, call me 330-307-6723, because the computer is going to be down for a while. Or you can bug Farrar for an answer. lol He is my official partner in organization for this ride. I was thinking of maybe running A, B, C, and D classes or something along those lines for groups to keep things organized. I want to give the A guys a little longer on the track as well because let's face it, they're awesome to watch. If anyone has any other ideas, let us know. Thanks and see you all SOON!:usa

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:30 am
by speed2424
Originally posted by jfarrar
i will be riding ''c''  :deal:

he also wanted me to tell you guys he loves you very much  

If you are riding "C" , than put me down for "Z" class!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:19 am
by bretz56
I'm still working on a final price with NEMX for our evening ride. If they won't give in anymore, it's looking like it's going to cost us $40 (minus the $25 deposit = $15) which is a little more than I had hoped but I am still trying to get that cost down.

Thought it was 500 for the 4hr rental why would it be different??

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:50 am
by SlickNickZ
NEMX is in it for the $$$$:deal:

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:00 am
by jfarrar
nemx is one thing ...GREEDY!!!i do agree if it is 500 for 12 riders for 4hrs why should it cost more for any isnt costing them anymore to run it with the extra quads!if any thing it would be an added bonus as they would sell more concesions and maybe gain a few more customers.but they got the upperhand and they know it!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:01 am
by bretz56
Probably because we have more than 2 wheels

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:02 am
by k_fulk
Originally posted by bretz56
Thought it was 500 for the 4hr rental why would it be different??

Same here, I figured the deposit would cover it.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:13 pm
by USAMoto00
Yes, I too thought that our initial $500 would be sufficient. But Bretz, you will see when you go there that the attitude is a little different. I was going from a price guide from last year which I interpreted to be that price for 12-20 people with an additional charge per person over 20(not much). But when I was just going to pay the full amount they looked at me funny. So as of right now I am trying to negotiate a much better price than what they want to charge. Their NEW prices are $500 for 12 people for 4 hours with a $50 charge per person on top of that! That means it would cost $1150 for this 4 hour ride with 25 people. So I am trying to be smart about this and talk to them and let them know that we could really help them with a positive ride and feeling from it, or it could go the other way with a bad experience. After all, Earlywines will rent the track for a WHOLE DAY for $1000! I will keep you all updated and please don't let this have a negative effect on what could be an awesome ride. Like I mentioned before, NEMX doesn't charge for spectators, so maybe we can ask for a $5 donation from each spectator to help with the ride cost's if need be. The owners from NEMX are supposed to call me tonight with their "best" price for us, so we will see. I am on the computer so that means that my vacation is over. lol Talk to you all later.:usa