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Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 5:36 am
by Swampdale
I had to step back and re-evaluate. I'm a racer. I bought a Cannondale because It was what I was looking for in a quad and the novelty of owning something made in the "USA" seemed "cool", but I'm still a racer. For the time being, I'm pro Cannondale, ATK or whatever you want to call my latest "black hole". Who cares about Dinli. If your so concerned about your "investment" than you might need a finacial advisor or maybe a shrink. These things are not investments, the're toys that don't appreciate. If you're a dealer and you didn't see the writing on the wall over a year ago, you may have made a poor judgement call. If these machines are so loved and cherished, I challenge anyone to step forward and come up with a plan to reproduce them. I add that currently a multibillion dollar company seems to be questioning if it's a wise thing to do, but who cares. Lets assemble a group of people and build a new "Can-be-done" race machine. There is a bunch of smart people here. I don't believe we'd be infringing on any patents.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:01 pm
by jcv440
Originally posted by Swamp'dale
I If these machines are so loved and cherished, I challenge anyone to step forward and come up with a plan to reproduce them. I add that currently a multibillion dollar company seems to be questioning if it's a wise thing to do, but who cares. Lets assemble a group of people and build a new "Can-be-done" race machine. There is a bunch of smart people here. I don't believe we'd be infringing on any patents.

That's where ATK comes in....wink.gif

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 2:06 pm
by cannondale27
Yes, I have said it before and I will say it again."The Cannondale is the Porsche of quads it is not for everyone" Scott Montgomery first test of cannondale in ATV Sport.When Cannondale decided to sell to the masses it was a huge factor in their downfall.They werent ready to mass produce.ATK is not and never was a mass producer.That is a good thing in my opinion.There is lots of money to be made in limited build Quads and you dont have to compromise to please everyone.Hopefully Dinli is ready to mass produce it but we know there will have to be compromises.What we dont know is whether they will outweigh the good.

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 3:12 pm
by tjusa
."The Cannondale is the Porsche of quads it is not for everyone"
As i sit and read all the post on dinli i cant help but want to say dinli owes us nothing !!!!!!! we are "Cannondale" somebudy else here said there will never be another one be happy that you had the chance to buy one and ride it .If some company in tiwain or japan builds a bike similar it will still not be a "Cannondale " and the posability of these things being a money maker is slim for them even if every c-dale owner bought one it is still small% of other bikes out there.The parts are plentifull rite now so we can rebuild for long time to come .What is the bigest shame of the whole thing is all of the c-dale i see being tore apart and parted out . If somone out there is thingking of buying a dinli buy one of these bikes put some money into it and be part of a unique group! See Ryan this is why i make a better lurker LOL .maybe u should think of baning them guys from parting out full bikes . :usa

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 5:07 pm
by NRath
Yep, I'm a lurking!

Good post TJ. Share your thoughts.

I don't think anyone was truly pissed about how the Dinli-dale looked, more of a disappointment, which may even prove to be unfounded. The disappointment would come from seeing that the exact steps of Cannondale aren't being followed because they were doing great things. After Justin's reply, there is still hope for Dinli. It looks like they have some good plans. Personally, I don't know jack about Dinli and their reputation for quality and dependability. I have an open mind- obviously, since I bought a 'dale- but if I was buying new, it's unlikely I'd pick a Dinli over one of the big 4 Jap companies. I chose my C'dale because of their new technology and awesome customer support. Without the customer support they demonstrated, I wouldn't have bought one- too risky! In any case, we shouldn't expect anything from Dinli. We are in this on our own. If whatever they release can be used by us, we can celebrate!! If not, we are no worse off than we are now. I say Good Luck to Dinli in taking on the big 4!! Time to go get my 'dale built so I can go riding!

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 6:18 pm
by TheJaspMan
Originally posted by CdaleRacer0128
/ amen, and i dont konw about you guys, i'm not worrying about a new quad, the best one is already in my garage:)

I hear that!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 6:33 pm
by Jammer72
You know I got caught up in the whole Dinli thing and today finally realized, I really dont care one way or the other what happens. I currently got the best ride around here only one dale to compete with for the fastest ride and funny thing is its When the time comes to look for a replacement Im going to look at all the best rides at that time. I've rode everything out right now and am going to stick with the Dale until I see something that can compete on that level. ANd that remains to be seen.

I really hope Dinli can come out with something to compete with the Big Boys. After all competition is what keeps technology coming out.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:20 am
by USAMoto00
Amen!smile.gif We have the ultimate Quad in our possesion already. The Cannondale revolutionized the atv sport industry period. Nothing else needs to be said. We just need to keep what we already have ALIVE. :usa I will never get rid of mine. I do however want to add to the Especially seeing how nothing else out there has even come close in the what, 2 years of R&D? Keep 'em shiny boys, EVERYONE is watching and hoping that they fail. (it's the only chance they have)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:50 am
by Derno24
Originally posted by ******
but I'll stay with my now  true out of the box and put it in a race machine:usa

I hope you mean motor....

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 2:30 am
by MX Quad Dad
Not only do we have the ultimate quads but also the ultimate quad family