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#21 Post by jwheat »

Originally posted by Jaybr
Richmond is north of Memphis, and if you think we're yankees you need a history lesson.

I didn't say y'all weren't part of the Confederate states.......but Richmond is still Yankee territory to people WAY down south!! tongue.gif

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#22 Post by cdalepilot »

myself, i have been finding these threads very entertaining reading material. there are some of the smartest guys around, that know these cdales but they shouldn't let their ego's get in the way.thas just my point of view. i'm sorry if i offended anyone. but you guy's really know your stuff when it comes to these cdales and i'm really glad to be on this site/forum with you guys.

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#23 Post by bombsquad54 »

thats it, beer for everyone on me! sean gets the coldest!

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#24 Post by Mjollnir »

Can't we all just get along?

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#25 Post by Happyboy »

OK, I have gotton to the point where I am sick and tired of all the bickering. All you read anymore is b!itching and moaning. ****, Look at the guys over on the cannondale board over on exriders. Even Dirt gets on a starts crap. I just wish all the negativity would go away and we could get back to helping people and riding cannondales.

And for those that like to get it started, go to ****. If you don't like the cannondale thats great. Go find a website where you can talk about your YFZ or 450R or 400EX and be happy.

Lets just get back to coming up with improvements and beating the compitition. That is what we are doing here.

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#26 Post by cdalemx301 »

Happyboy I agree totally with you...I know I have prob B****** a lil lately actually i know I have and a fellow Cdalerider wont even return my calls now or answer the phone when i call him....This site used to be awesome but i guess over time every forum turns into the my bike is better then yours boards...I thought we could avoid that but it is impossible i guess

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#27 Post by cannondale27 »

Think about who buys a Cannondale.We refuse to give up and alot of us race.Almost all have puts lots of hard work in our machines and put up with lots of disappontment .Very competitive and hard headed bunch if we werent we would have bought lesser quads long ago.It is a pride thing.We all have alot of pride.

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#28 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

I think everyone just wants to ride, so everyone is tense

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#29 Post by Happyboy »

Originally posted by RACER101
The main reason I am selling all my stuff is of all the BS and false hopes on getting parts. I hear so many different stories .... you cant get parts like heads, cams are not being made so on and so forth.  I have paid for a falicon months ago and have no idea when your going to get it. Haydug told Dirt to buy anothe one from timbo? What the heck is that?  Look I am sorry for being a :w:  I can ride any quad made. I chose to ride a cannondale the main reason is riding Jays at the 6 hour last year. I have no problems with the way it runs, its a great quad, It makes a person crazy!

And you are acting like a complete :w: right now about it. Nice posts over on exriders. I really like the attitude of if I am getting out I am going to do as much damage as I can. Very nice. Funny, I have no problems getting parts. Are you looking for a head? I can get you one if you need it.

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#30 Post by Derno24 »

No faith in Derno. **** I have gone down hill!:cry: :cry:

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