Self defense or out of line?

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#21 Post by azcannon »

You couldn't be more right ******

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#22 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

I am 18 now, and just graduated (today in fact) and I got spanked with a belt (leather) when I was bad enough when I was young.fowl language or back talking got a mouth full of soap (I would have to open my mouth and mom or dad would scrape it against top AND bottom teeth), and I have turned out well, at least I think so, and my teachers think so too. I plan on raising my kids (if I ever have any) the same way I was brought up.

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#23 Post by jwheat »

Since we didn't get the whole story....just the fight part it makes it hard to tell......but........I have 4 sons and I would BEAT them if I ever found out that they acted like that towards a supervising adult. I don't think the bus driver should have to put up with smart-*** kids that don't know how to behave. Those kids probably act like that towards their parents also.

P.S. I agree with Derno......I'd knock sparks from that kid's butt!:whip:

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#24 Post by azcannon »

Originally posted by jwheat
Since we didn't get the whole story....just the fight part it makes it hard to tell......but........I have 4 sons and I would BEAT them if I ever found out that they acted like that towards a supervising adult. I don't think the bus driver should have to put up with smart-*** kids that don't know how to behave. Those kids probably act like that towards their parents also.

P.S. I agree with Derno......I'd knock sparks from that kid's butt!:whip:

I agree with you with the exception is it ok for any body to grab your kids if they cross the line ? I don't want to sound like a smart aleck but what about any bus driver, maybe I am too sensitive to people grabbing my kids even when they misbehave which isn't very often. I have had a lot of incidents at school with my older boy ,( he has been in many fights at school )and usually when I talk to him I found a side of the story nobody cares about but me. ( thats after I read between the lines ) I still usually punish him with some sort of work/grounding/scolding though so he realizes actions however justified have consequences. I still don't excuse the bad kids on that bus - what about the good kids siting in their seats I think the bus driver owes them a apology for his behavior there was a lot better way to handle that. When a adult loses control like that in front of me I judge them harshly and usually try to get out of that situation and the good kids couldn't do that - could they

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#25 Post by jwheat »

I have 4 boys ranging from 6-19 yrs of age and I have had to spank all of them together a total of 7 times. They all know how to behave and to keep their mouth shut when a teacher or supervising adult gets on to them. I will handle the situation with the adult...they should just be quiet and tell me about it when it happens. My mom, sister, and mother-in-law are english teachers, my aunt is a principle, my brother-in-law is a superintendent of education, and my dad was a physics teacher and football coach........and I can just about guarantee you that most people employed in our school system handle our kids very well......but anybody can be pushed over the edge by a little smart mouthed teenager. If you watch the video, the bus driver didn't just jump up an attack the kid.....he warned him first (and probably many times before the video started).

People are quick to say "You better not whip my kids", but kids are better behaved in school systems that allow capital punishment. As for me, when my children are at school, then the school system has my permission to punish them accordingly for their actions, and I will deal with the school if I deem that their punishment was excessive.

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#26 Post by TraumaRN »

Originally posted by jwheat

People are quick to say "You better not whip my kids", but kids are better behaved in school systems that allow capital punishment.  

****, now that's disipline!!!

corporal punishment!

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#27 Post by jwheat »

Originally posted by TraumaRN
****, now that's disipline!!!

corporal punishment!

ROFL biggrin.gif That's what I meant! Thanks for the correction RN.

But, then again, if we just decapitated a few of those little suckers, the rest would fall right in line!

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#28 Post by azcannon »

Originally posted by jwheat
ROFL   biggrin.gif  That's what I meant! Thanks for the correction RN.

But, then again, if we just decapitated a few of those little suckers, the rest would fall right in line!

Agreed we need to make a example or twelve

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#29 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

my sister's whole 8th grade needs to be wiped out. not even kidding, there is probably only 10 kids total that dont fight,drink,smoke,steal, etc etc the whole 8th grade is horrible:( a bunch of future convicts.

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