Broken collarbone

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#21 Post by TraumaRN »

The actual fracture site should be stronger once completely healed due to the calcification in the area. That just means if subjected to a similar impact, it will break somewhere else. Ortho docs will not normally perform surgery on a clavicle unless it is an open (compound) fracture. Apparently studies have shown that surgical repair only prolongs healing time with little to no added benefit. We used to used clavicle straps or figure-8 splints to treat clavicle fractures, but have resorted to using slings instead, as the constant placement/removal/replacement of figure-8 splints causes movement at the injury site and prolongs healing.
Hope all of you with broken bones are back riding soon!!!!

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#22 Post by TraumaRN »

Originally posted by BM426Racer
same boat with cannondale27,  lump and a droopy shoulder.  

So what's the new name gonna be, Lump, or Droopy?:clap:

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#23 Post by cdaleracer »

On March 28th I had 6 screws and an "L" shaped plate put into my wrist. On May 28th I was given the thumbs up to ride again. I haven't been on the quad yet, but I'm sure the first few laps it will be very sore. The Jaspman wants me to wait a little longer cuz I still cannot bend the wrist very well.

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#24 Post by quadprorider »

So what do you guys think? Will I have any long term problems with the plate that I am planing on getting? I have heard from a few people that in the cold weather I will have problems with the metal and such. Any other problems you guys have encountered or does anyone have a plate on their collar bone? If so, please share your information. Thanks!

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#25 Post by quadprorider »

If you had to do it again, would you? I am getting a little worried, but since I'm hearing good things from you it is making me feel more confident to go throuh with it. In your opinion, should I do it or not? Are there ANY downsides compared to natural healing vs surgery? Thanks alot Chris!

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#26 Post by quadprorider »

So I guess that's a yes? lol Right after, or a few days after, how bad was the pain? My doc said 2 days after the surgery I will not have to wear the sling anymore and after 4-6 weeks I willm be back and riding like normal.

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#27 Post by quadprorider »

He said that at this point my collar bone is still seperated and after a few months it might heal together but it will be over lapped. He also said that it is cut short and won't be able to touch on it's own without a plate..... At this point I think I'm ready to go through with it I jus wanted to hear some feedback.

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#28 Post by TraumaRN »

Originally posted by ******
here's what they put in my back

That looks like a large rectal foreign body to my untrained eye!

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#29 Post by TraumaRN »

actually, sorry for the joke. You mustv'e been laid up for a bit with that. ATV crash???

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#30 Post by TraumaRN »

Originally posted by ******
That would have to be put in there pretty high, thats at the t5-7 veribres

technically, the thoracoabdominal region incldes the 4th intercostal space down to the bottom of the pelvis. The reason it goes so high (into the thoracic space) is due to the mobility of the diaphragm.
****, yo, you got sent to school!

ironically, edited for spelling.

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