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Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:01 pm
by cannondale27
Actually there is a nationwide bill being considered right now banning the use of any quad over 90cc for anyone under 16.Supposedly the commision is evenly split on matter right now AMA had it in Mag last month.Would be a shame since some are more than qualified skill and body wise for bigger quads.
I have taken approach of having my kids learn on a 50cc dirtbike before they ever ride a quad.It teaches them to pay way more attention and also falling over a few times at slow speed puts a bit of fear in them.Little bit of fear is a good thing since it hopefully makes them think before they do something stupid.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:29 pm
by cdaleracer
Originally posted by Cdalerider03
yeah, they were girls

I take offense to that statement. I am a girl and I would NEVER ride double with no shoes and no helmet pinned in third gear. That is just plain stupid. That is just an accident waiting to happen, and it did. Atleast it was just broken bones, no biggie.

This kind of stupidity is what is going to ruin the future of this sport. That pisses me off to no end.:furious: I have a lot to say about this and none of it good. I don't know you and don't want to piss anybody off, so I'm just going to leave it as that.

I am glad to hear that they are ok though. It could have been worse.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 4:49 pm
by Cdalerider03
Originally posted by cdaleracer
I take offense to that statement.  I am a girl and I would NEVER ride double with no shoes and no helmet pinned in third gear.  That is just plain stupid. That is just an accident waiting to happen, and it did. Atleast it was just broken bones, no biggie.

This kind of stupidity is what is going to ruin the future of this sport. That pisses me off to no end.:furious: I have a lot to say about this and none of it good. I don't know you and don't want to piss anybody off, so I'm just going to leave it as that.

I am glad to hear that they are ok though. It could have been worse.

Sorry about that, every inexsperianced person on a quad should not even ride one.