Project FX469

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#21 Post by CannondaleRider »

Also, sorry about all of the changes in plans over the course of the project, i'm sure some people are getting quite confused

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#22 Post by cannondale27 »

Naw thats the way it goes with projects.Glad your sticking with it.

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#23 Post by CannondaleRider »

The bike is done. It looks great. It runs great.

It's lacking grips, and grease zerks, lol.

I'll get some pics up as soon as I

I've been waiting for this for quite a long time.

Thanks to EVERYONE that has helped over the whole course of me owning this thing.

Cannondale27, Brad Oakley, Haydug, Happyboy, Harry Moto, Jaybr, all my sponsors, anybody that I've bought parts from that I can't remember.. Along with my mom and dad, I would still be sitting here wandering what to do, and when i'd be able to race, if it wasn't for them. They have helped me out beyond whats imagineable.

Thanks again:usa

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#24 Post by CannondaleRider »

My mom and dad finally decided to buy a new digital camera(dad needs it for real estate stuff), so these are some of the "lets see here" pics

Here is the bike as of today, don't mind the rear rims, I was forced to use those because I trashed a wheel at Round 2....tagged the left one at Round 3, and had to borrow a set of Hipers/Razrs from Joe(aka..Laptraffic..thanks again Lapper) anyways.

Gotta Support the Sponsors

So many settings on this camera

Sorry it took so long to get normal pics

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