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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 4:34 pm
by cdalerider75
Well looks like I am going to have to purchase a solid bolt.. do you know where I can get one from??

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:16 pm
by wistech
Ive got a used solid bolt but I dont think I have nut for it. I could whip up a hollow one for ya too. Whatever the going rate is. Or you could just borrow it till your new one shows up. Im always cool like that.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:52 pm
by Happyboy
I am still waiting on a solid one from Wistech....I think we are going on like 4 months now... rolleyes.gif

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:40 pm
by wistech
Cmon Happy ,You know its its closer to 6 months. I dont think you ever did send me any to mod. Just those dang camshafts.

Just wait Ill have one in the mail monday....oh wait Ill be blasting dunes monday. Maybe when I get back. If I come back. smile.gif

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:34 pm
by banzairx7
The 400ex nut works fine on our axle.

BTW- i was waiting for the infamous kibblewhite valves

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:45 pm
by Big Dog
To answer the delay questions. Maz. I have been waiting on the Falicon cranks, which were sent to Maz in March. My other 2 Falicons are to be shipped soon from Jaybr. No hate towards Jaybr, I understand the delays with Falicon. Main reasons they are down:
3 have siezed cranks, 1 with a trashed head from decomp. mech explosion. These are at Maz's with 2 of my Falicons.
1- '02 having the crank redone with the z400 by way of Maz.
1- Waiting on paid for parts from Maz to fix clutch basket problem. Going to install Falicon when it arrives.
5- Waiting on new decompression mechanisms for all
Once I get my parts and quads back from Maz, I will order from Brad or Haydug. I will be looking to Timbo or Haydug to do engine rebuilds for me.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:52 pm
by USAMoto00
Hey 75, I think your always waiting because you're the one wrenching on it. lol I gotta bust your balls a bit, seems like you've been very high-strung lately. So put the wrenches down and stay outta the backyard. lmao:usa :hammer:

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:07 am
by Happyboy
waiting on decomps??? What exactly are you waiting on? If its new weights...well the wait is just about over. I have the demo parts out and will have the new ones in production within the week. :eek: Finally!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:33 am
by cannondale27
Nobody should be waiting on weights anyhow.Maybe we all should have made it clear that the new Billet weights were a Prototype upgrade kind of thing.Still in testing stage.The mandatory fix is to get a hand fit rivet and screw upgrade which is what the factory did in the end(minus hand fit).My Billet weights are being tested in 2 motors as we speak with guard on just mine.Honestly wont know how my version holds up till next winter when topend is rebuilt.Even then due to my unreliable machinist they never will be sold.Took me around 8 months and $250 to get those two weights made and even then they required some hand machining on my part.If Happyboy can get these things mass produced in spec in under a year he deserves great praise.It sounds unbelievable but it is true that getting parts made is almost impossible to get done.All machine shops are working at maximum capacity right now or should be.When that happens they all take the quick and high paying jobs.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:45 am
by CptHook
I didnt even noticed I was mentioned on this thread till now, Chris, my status:

Just to clarify before I go on, I live 35 minutes away from my quad, it is at my uncles house where I work on it and ride, so working on it whenever I wanted just doesn't happen with college and everything else. Havent ridden my dale since November, Ive had it disasembled for winter rebuild/upgrade since my last ride ever since. Between November and April I just did alot of small cleaning stuff, polishing frame and picking up magnetic stuff and aluminum impellar, new coolant and hipers all around and such, soon I decided it was time to find out what needed to be done to the motor. Upon inspection I had found that I needed a stage 8 kit. I went through a long dilemna about how many times I wanted to drop my motor and finally decided that if I was going to drop it now, I might as well get any motor upgrades that I could afford done and out of the way now. I decided that I would get a Falicon, because of the issues with the stock crank. Started dropping motor in very end of April, took me about two weeks of going up there once or twice a week for an hour or two at a time to finally get it out.

After getting it out it sat for another week while I got the stuff I needed to pack it and found time to pack it and get the info I needed to ship it to Doug, so we are about end of second week of may. Finally managed to get it out and arrived at Doug's in two days. I have been calling regularly ever since then and have not talked to Doug once out of any of those times. So fast forward to about 2 weeks ago and I have been trying to get ahold of both Doug and Timbo so I can have doug send my crank to Timbo because I have given up on Falicon, Im not willing to risk wasting my whole summer waiting for a crank that might not come. I finally got ahold of Timbo today just so I could get a price and turnaround time, looking at another 3 weeks to a month. Currently I'm trying to get ahold of Doug to tell him to send my crank to Timbo.

All in all I am very discouraged at this point, I am not angry at Doug or Tim, because they are both great guys, but very busy. I am just very angry at my situation. I have put aside a considerable amount of my free time to work on this quad over and the past months, and spent pretty much all my cash I have earned over the past year on it, and now I have nothing to show for it. I put aside riding my whole second semester to concentrate fully on school knowing that once summer came I would be able to ride. I have been out of school for exactley one month now and my bike is still in pieces, and it looks it will stay that way till mid July. School starts again in September. Again I am not angry at any of the vendors I appreciate all their help greatly, just angry that things have turned out the way they have. Thanks for letting me vent.