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Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:43 am
by jesshamner
Originally posted by NRath
Jess- you gonna' make it to PA?  Your girl would have a great time riding there, too.

As of right now, I will not be making it. Money is just too tight right now. I do want to get to ride with you sometime. I had a great time trying to keep up with you at Glamis. We'll get together soon I hope. PA is just too far for me.

USA, I have been keeping it drenched in Neosporin so that it doesn't dry up. The middle section of my leg is healing it up nicely. I really don't have to keep it wrapped any more. The giant holes in my leg at my knee and ankle are really giving me trouble. There is actually an indention in my knee and my ankle gets bumped all the time at work.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:27 pm
by NRath
I had a feeling you probably wouldn't make it. We'll hook up for a weekend another day!

I noticed those wounds on your knee and ankle looking like a little more than roadrash. I'm glad it's not me! I was thinking of going mountain biking this afternoon, but 97????????? and a healthy dose of humidity is a little more than I care to play in.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:15 pm
by jesshamner
Originally posted by NRath
I had a feeling you probably wouldn't make it.  We'll hook up for a weekend another day!

I noticed those wounds on your knee and ankle looking like a little more than roadrash.  I'm glad it's not me!  I was thinking of going mountain biking this afternoon, but 97????????? and a healthy dose of humidity is a little more than I care to play in.

The hot weather does suck pretty bad. We took a ride in late June. It was really hot but we took our hydropacks. Your best bet is to go to a park and ride trails. Its a lot cooler in the shade. Take that hydropack though! And don't forget a towel. You'll need it.


Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:54 am
by jesshamner
I went back out riding tonight. The leg is feeling good. I'm down to 3 bandaids...2 on my knew and one on my ankle. My shoulder is still tender and pink but I can wear a shirt w/o a bandage. Anyway, we went out tonight and hit the campus. I took it easy at first but it was only a matter of time before I started trying wheelies. Then I tried riding up some steps and successfully made those. I went down some steps but not the big sets. Then passed a car on the way down the hill. I love that part. Its a huge rush to go down this hill faster than the speed limit. We also rode through a subdivision that is close to campus. It has some speed bumps that are perfect ramps. They are a concave on each side instead of convex or a pile of ashphalt. So everything went good.