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Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:35 pm
by Derno24
Here is one of the dale. I had just finished putting on a quadtech nose on race cut plastic. Also it had TCS long travel shocks on a houser front end with a converted rear. No nerfs though!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:54 pm
by cannondale27
Man it just makes no sense for them to steal quads that are so unique.Obviously no other ones like these anywhere.So no way they could ride or race them without being spotted.Either they are stupid locals going for a joy ride or they are going to get parted out.I am going to get a engraver and put a symbol or numbers on every part then get a big sticker that says Warning:I.D. marked.Hope you get em back Derno.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 6:30 pm
by jesshamner
I feel for ya Derno. I have been robbed before too. To add to the horrible feeling of having your stuff stolen, the cops won't even do anything about it. This stuff really burns me up. I had my system stolen from my car while it was in the garage. I called the Sherrif to report it. He came out to file a report but the M F'er didn't even get out of his car b/c it was slightly raining. There was evidence and clues all over the place and I told him that but he didn't care. Then we called the insurance company and they wouldn't cover it under homeowners or auto insurance. I lost about $1500 that day. I know it doesn't equal the value of yours. I'm just saying that I know the feeling. Sorry for the rant! I feel for ya. I hope things work out for you...again.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:10 pm
by quadman22
i remember when i was taking my hunter saftey course we had a game warden in or maybe it was the environmental police... either way i remeber them saing how they have been getting an ATV recovery unit of some sort going and im not sure how it works in your area but you should contact the environmental police or the game wardens about this because they are better people to call than the police on this sort of matter. I bet they will care more than the police do and why not give it a try, it cant hurt. hope everything works out for you

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:31 pm
by azcannon
did it look like that quadtech and race fenders on ebay ?hood and fenders check out sellers other parts

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:32 pm
by azcannon
sorry for getting your hopes up I am sure those arent yours because of all the other stuff

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:51 pm
by BigJosh
I hope that as wide spreed across the country as we all are I hope someone will come across your stuff or maybe by word of mouth find something out for you. I know I will be paying attention.....Best of luck.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:06 pm
by Derno24
Originally posted by azcannon
sorry for getting your hopes up I am sure those arent yours because of all the other stuff

That is ok it wasn't them anyway. They are mounted on smoke plastic which is race cut and it has an updog # plate on it with no #. It also has Kenda stickers under the flaps.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:55 am
by azcannon
Derno no person has ever been to this website without getting some of your post's why dont we so a stolen section ( Forum ) with numbers and everything so we can recover these things once in a while through membership -- It makes perfect sense everyone has pictures and vin numbers and engine numbers for their quad the only thing left is the suspension which can be very unique a lot of times but they are stealing for profit and we can all be more aware with apicture and some identifiing feature built into the picture descriptions I showed Brad Oakley my 2002 GSXR 1000 and told him all about how special it was and then it was stolen a week later, you will get better and we will be lucky to have you constant incessant posting nature spurring our interest in our machines( the ones in our garage ) and we need that , This aint no **** honda remember - we might spot you quad oneday and recovering through non violent ways could be the funnest thing the club has ever done not to mention end a persons social life for awhile while they sit in jail. I had NO recourse with my bike because of the sheeer commonness of them but yours should be easily identifiable and all we need is some straight out all club messaging from the mods on here and cannondaler so that most every corner of the nation is aware of a hot bike THIS IS POSSIBLE. I will volunteer to keep an eye out and post a flyer in my garage which see's many cannondales in arizona and I try to talk to every cannondaler in this state

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:07 am
by jfarrar
i got my eyes open for ya dern and i will personally drive the sob to your house if i do get my hands on him.(hope you dont mind sloppy seconds):hammer: