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Good Point my fault though.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:31 pm
by Smitty911
Originally posted by 61austin
Not trying to offend anybody here but I am with ****** on this one.
Smitty in the last sentence of your first paragraph you said that the translations continue to improve based on our understanding of ancient society. You are saying there that we change what we think the stories in the bible mean. Does that mean that the bible has been taught wrong for the past hundreds of years?
It just seems that the teachings in the bible go by who interpretes them and have evolved over the years to whatever we need them to be for a certain period of time. I have nothing against what the bible says is wright and wrong I am just not a firm believer in it. Does this mean that I am going to ****? Maybe, but it still doesn't change the fact that I live my life with the same morals as the guy that goes to the bible for the answer to his every question. The only differance being that I make my own decisions.

The understanding of ancient societys only comes into play with a word for word translation. IE. Agape = Love Now there are FOUR types of Love in the Greek.
Eros: Romantic love (in ancient Greek, desire). [Addition: Sometimes this is also equated with "lust" and in that sense, it is not love. "Eros" is the "Cupid" variety of love as well.]
Philia: Friendship, Love (but especially "platonic").
Agape: Divine, unconditioned love. Sometimes Christians will refer to the love that they receive from God as agape love.
Storge: Natural affection.
So when the Bible says agape in English we only have Love. Which one do we use?? That is what most of the translation (This is my understanding). Hopefully that makes sense.

The stories are the same. The meanings have never changed. Did you have one that you had a question about??

Yes you can use any verse in the Bible to support whatever position you want. But using them in context will not allow you to do that. IE. My Uncle smokes pot because "man has domination over plants and animals." In context we are not supposed to be "Drunk, stoned, High, looped, etc etc.

"Maybe, but it still doesn't change the fact that I live my life with the same morals as the guy that goes to the bible for the answer to his every question." The guy that goes to the Bible for the answer to every question is a Sinner, outside of Gods will, but asked Jesus to be his savior, and when he sins he ask for forgiveness. So you are admitting that you are a sinner, but don't ask for forgiveness??? Just my thoughts, no offense.

I like you last point. "The only differance being that I make my own decisions." That proves that God gave us "Free will."

As far as who goes to **** and who doesn't the Bible will not get anyone into Heaven. The Bible (Not me) says that unless you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sin, died, was buried and raise three days later, you will go to ****. **** to be defined later.

Thanks for taking your time to respond, I do love the discussions. Some times I don't care what people think, but the WHY they think that way.

FYI "God helps those that help themselves." is NOT in the Bible. LOL


Re: Good Point my fault though.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:51 pm
by 61austin
Originally posted by Smitty911

Yes you can use any verse in the Bible to support whatever position you want.  But using them in context will not allow you to do that. IE. My Uncle smokes pot because "man has domination over plants and animals."  In context we are not supposed to be "Drunk, stoned, High, looped, etc etc.

I understand what you are saying but these verses are taken out of context all to often, that is how there are so many interpretations of the bible stories. This is also how so many crazed cults get started, someone can take these words out of context and twist the meanings into whatever they want.

"Maybe, but it still doesn't change the fact that I live my life with the same morals as the guy that goes to the bible for the answer to his every question."  The guy that goes to the Bible for the answer to every question is a Sinner, outside of Gods will, but asked Jesus to be his savior, and when he sins he ask for forgiveness.  So you are admitting that you are a sinner, but don't ask for forgiveness???  Just my thoughts, no offense.

Yes I am a sinner, who isn't? Just because I don't ask for forgiveness makes me a bad person, I hope not. When I do a wrong I try to make it right, asking god for forgiveness isn't going to fix the problem. Are you saying that the catholic priests that molested little boys are better men than I because they asked for forgiveness for their sins, because I will be very dissapointed if I go to **** and can't find every one of those worthless individuals there too.

I like you last point. "The only differance being that I make my own decisions." That proves that God gave us "Free will."

As far as who goes to **** and who doesn't the Bible will not get anyone into Heaven.  The Bible (Not me) says that unless you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sin, died, was buried and raise three days later, you will go to ****.  **** to be defined later.

Thanks for taking your time to respond, I do love the discussions.  Some times I don't care what people think, but the WHY they think that way.

FYI "God helps those that help themselves." is NOT in the Bible. LOL


Since this is an internet conversation and there is no way to show emotion I would like to let you know that I am by no means mad at you and nor do I dislike christians or those of any other religion. I find religion very interesting but I just don't fully believe a lot of it. I hope I haven't offended anyone here because that was not my intent, I am only trying to express my point of view.

No worries!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:30 am
by Smitty911
Originally posted by 61austin
Since this is an internet conversation and there is no way to show emotion I would like to let you know that I am by no means mad at you and nor do I dislike christians or those of any other religion. I find religion very interesting but I just don't fully believe a lot of it. I hope I haven't offended anyone here because that was not my intent, I am only trying to express my point of view.

No worries, I can take what your saying and appreciate the honesty.

I go to mosque and talk with Muslims on occasions, that can get somewhat heated. LOL The fun part is when they have a misunderstanding about the Bible which they have never read.

"I understand what you are saying but these verses are taken out of context all to often, that is how there are so many interpretations of the bible stories. This is also how so many crazed cults get started, someone can take these words out of context and twist the meanings into whatever they want. "


"Yes I am a sinner, who isn't? Just because I don't ask for forgiveness makes me a bad person, I hope not. When I do a wrong I try to make it right, asking god for forgiveness isn't going to fix the problem. Are you saying that the catholic priests that molested little boys are better men than I because they asked for forgiveness for their sins, because I will be very dissapointed if I go to **** and can't find every one of those worthless individuals there too."

Lots of points for cover here, Basic salvation, saved by grace applies. Than you are agreeing that "Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" The Bible says that first we are to Believe. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sin. Repent - Change our direction in life. Ask for forgiveness. We don't sin again man we sin against God. It's in breaking His laws that effect others.

Other sinners - Well we don't know what those people are doing in their hearts. We can only be responsible for what we do. The Bible doesn't have different levels of sin. The 10 commandments is not written in a "this is worse than that" style. Murder is not worse than lying, lust is not worse than stealing. You either accept the free gift of salvation or you reject it. The truth is Jesus died for us knowing that we would sin before hand. He know everything about us before we where born, and still chose to pay for our sins.

I've enjoyed the dialogue and look forward to more from anyone willing to share.


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:59 pm
by PeeWee
Hey Smitty, i'd like to talk to you through pm's so that know here get's offended.

Pm Sent

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:51 pm
by Smitty911
PM'd you

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:04 pm
by Happyboy
ah, talk on here. I have been busy so I couldn't get a good response made but would like to see this stay on here. Everyone has been adultlike so lets just keep it that way.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:56 am
by Birddog5150

I just got through reading this post and give Smitty
major props for being a witness to others..I tip my hat to
you brother..

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:56 am
by Smitty911

We kinda left off talking about what happens to other sinners. The Bible says we will be judged by what WE know. You have knowledge of Christ, and what he has done. So when you pass away and see Jesus, what will you say to him? Just curious?


Here is my latest response. I'm sure you've been busy. Just thought I see if you wanted to continue.

Happyboy "Answers to your questions. What is a good life is really determined by your own beliefs. Its not up to me to judge you on my personal standard."

Smitty So good is subjective to what you alone feel is good? Logical problem???? We both have different standards so, who is right? Ex. I need some money, you have some, I take yours, me having money is good. I would submit to only God (Biblical) being good.
We (Christians) are called not to judge others, but if someone is going against God??????????????????s commandments and we point that out, is that judgement?

Birddog 5150,

This is what I do on Thrusday nights. I go to peoples houses that have visited us and try to answer questions. It amazes me that people will say things are in the Bible that are not. Some people that I speak with actually start reading it instead of taking what others have said. Big difference in some cases.


I've read though the "Left Behind" books several times. It could go that way, won't know until it happens. The real question is:
When Millions of people all over the world suddenly disappear, What is the next action you will take? Why wait?


In the Bible it says:
Psa 84:11 For the LORD God [is] a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good [thing] will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Sin is what seperates us from God. God only wants what is best for us. Sin has no positive attribute. You have to pay for your sins.

If someone offered to pay for your sins, and restore a relationship with God:

Why not take it?

Just a thought.


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:02 am
by Happyboy
Sorry I haven't responded. Being busy is the big part of it but its also hard to come back with any response when the person you are talking to is extremly educated. I have my beliefs but I have not educated myself on the bible like I should. I may have to change that some time soon.

What is being good? Well, are we talking biblically or socially? You would hope it were the same thing but its not. Our society has been so focused on not interfering with others rights that we have lost focus on what our society was based on, christian beliefs.

With that being said I can argue on both sides of the fence. I think everyone should be allowed to live their own life, whether that be in what I consider sin. At the same time I hate our laws being changed and tweaked to rid our schools of our christian beliefs.

I know that I just completely changed our conversation but I think this one is more relevant that what I personally think is "good".

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:08 am
by Happyboy
My personal beliefs.....

I have a deep science background. Physics to be precise. With my background I have a very hard time letting go of items that I can prove and show as fact just because that is what my church teaches. Creationism vs. Evolution is the biggest area of trouble. I know what evolution is, I see it.

I am also a lax Catholic. My father is a deacon in the the church and has been since I was a little kid. So, I have been around the church for a long long time. He tought me that there is no 1 view of the churches beliefs. When I would talk with him about different subjects he would ask if I wanted the church's view or his. This is how I found my own beliefs.

I have studied other religions in college and enjoyed it alot. The biggest part of it that I enjoyed was seeing the commonalities between Hindu, Islam, Buddism, Christianity. Its just too easy for people to say "they are wrong" when they don't know what they teach.

to be continued....