New Shop

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#21 Post by jacobw »

The body shop I will be next to and have the same building color scheme. smile.gif And that person next to the truck is my brother brando!!! biggrin.gif

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#22 Post by brando »

i am so professional lookin in that pic

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#23 Post by badvox »

Congrats!! :clap:

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#24 Post by jacobw »

looked at the these new 250f and 450f bikes they are sweet but man 6k it alot of jack to spend for someone who has never rode a bike that much

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#25 Post by jwheat »

A few things that need to be done to help make the powersports shop successful.......

1. Employ knowledgeable, friendly, trustworthy people to work for you and pay them accordingly. Don't hire your friends, cousins, and brother-in-laws.

2. Charge for your services. Don't gouge, but get paid for what you do. Your overhead doesn't go down just because you did a buddy a favor. If he is a true friend, he won't mind paying you for your work.

3. Don't start out with super low prices and think that you'll ease the price up later after you attract customers. Those customers you attract will leave for the next best deal they can find and talk about how you are gouging people when your price goes up. Just do good work with moderate prices and the kind of customer you want will always be there.

4. You don't want everyone's business! You just want the ones that expect good sales and service and are willing to pay a fair price for it.

5. The customer is NOT always right! But remember that it is cheaper in most cases to spend a little bit to make sure that the customer is satisfied than it is to advertise to get another customer to replace him.

6. Word of mouth from satisfied customers is the best advertisement.

7. Support your local riding areas and races.......if the people don't have a local place to use your product......why buy it?!?!?!?

8. Do NOT do in-house financing for ANYBODY!!! Anybody that has even halfway decent credit can get financing...they may have to pay a higher rate than they want, but they can get financed. If they can't get approved by even a high rate finance company, do you really want them owing you money??? Stick to sales and service and leave financing to the banking industry.

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

new benches and shop update

#26 Post by jacobw »

I bought 3 of these for the shop today and new update building will be 50x70 steel frame clear span building with a 45x50ft shop area and 25ftx50ft showroom area:D

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#27 Post by jacobw »

getting building permit this week will take excavation pics when we start digging!!!:dance: :dance: :dance: biggrin.gif :head:

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