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Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:15 pm
by krazken
I'm the one in the red shirt above...notice how happy (blue shirt) has his hands behind his back...scared to touch the women??

hmmm.....dang...where is the whip emoticon when you need it!!!biggrin.gif

loads of fun up here getting to meet all the other folks from the forum. Even though I don't own a cannondale....its still nice to get to meet cool people who will go out of their way to help others. we need more people like these guys in the world!!!

and Steve....yes you are old....

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:47 am
by Happyboy
Only was able to touch with my mouth. wink.gif

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:04 am
by wistech
Lots to see at the show. I learned many things . It was geat to meet a few more Daler's in person. Dinner was fun when Kdeal and I got into a C27 impersonating session.

Talking to those suppliers who dealt with Cannondale back in the day sure shed some light on our current issues.
As in every Cannondale related trip the wierd and unusual happened. Id say we got more than we bargained for.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 1:39 pm
by jwheat
Do we get details or are you just going to keep us in suspense??

Uhhhh..... Sean......aren't you married?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:00 pm
by cannondale27
I think Wistech is talking about our little buying excursion in the Chinese Pavilion.I guess they ship a whole container over and they get kicked out at 2:30 sunday.Well that leaves everything they brought to be sold in a 1hr time period.Its crazy.I would say prices drop by $100 every five minutes in the last half hour.Check out my new bike.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:11 pm
by cannondale27
I wish I would have had more money.Someone else scored pretty good also and Brad got a really nice looking Quadzilla locally for his BlackWidow motor development Iceracer and I got some of his new pipes also.Cant wait to try them out.Very nice.
Noticed in talking to some of the former Cannondale suppliers that thier attitudes are better about things that happened with them and the factory.More willing to help out.
You all should be confident that there are some exciting things coming up in regards to the people who support our habit.Brad and Cord were looking at setting thier shop up with some really nice equipment.
ATK I am convinced is also in it for the long run with the Cannondales.Chuck Wachs,Iceracer and I got to have a really nice meeting with Paul White franks son and Micheal Olsen who is engineering/puchasing at ATK.Didnt meet Frank but Kdeal did.I guess Frank lost someone close to him over weekend.His dad.Really sad to hear.Your in my prayers Whites.Left enlightened and hopeful.
Other kinda sorta info is that Dinli has abandoned the Cannondale project.You never know but that was the way it sounds.
As you know our valvetrain was a priority subject for there.The R/D valvetrain booth got grilled by most in attendence.Wow talk about different direction from what we have been doing.I wont speak for the rest but I left confident our problems were in good hands valvetrain wise.
As usual this turned from a mission to a great time.Timbo and Moose,Kdeal,Happyboy,Krazyken,Iceracer,Chuck Wachs,Brad,Cord
PaulWhite,Micheal Olson,Wistech and I all left in a very good mood I believe.Sorry about no pics.Forgot about camera.