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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:56 pm
by GDITheman
i like brad. i haven't ordered a lot from him, but he has taken time to discuss some of his ideas with me. seems like a very nice guy and his service was great also. i do worry that it seems there are a lot of people pulling out of the dale world. seems like a lot more on ebay and with the loss of doug and tim, my options are even less now. i have no problems dealing with brad for future work, but i miss having options.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:58 pm
by GDITheman
my biggest concern is the lack of forward thinking by ATK. seems like they always talk about having a plan for the future, but they fail to convey it to us.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:02 am
by GDITheman
****, i forgot to say good luck to you, brad.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:44 am
by kstevens
ATK's plan for the future, needs a government clearance before being released... but i speculate that once they are out of c-dale parts.. atk wont "see a future" with ATV's

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:11 am
by cannondale27
Originally posted by GDITheman
my biggest concern is the lack of forward thinking by ATK. seems like they always talk about having a plan for the future, but they fail to convey it to us.

A few of us discussed this very issue with them at dealer show seemed like they were convinced being more open was in fact way to raise confidence and sales $.Of course these things take time but expect some major changes in future.Rumors do create uneasyness.Lets face it all the suppliers do need to work together and even though it is kind of unfair to give competitors information that was learned the hard way it does advance the products and create a better reputation.I think people will reward that sort of thing.Not all but most.

As for Brad he knows I think the world of him.But I also dont really know what his plans are so I am leery.Not going to hide that.I feel service to me has slipped a bit lately.Understandable with all going on but it doesnt get my quad going any quicker.If you all would have asked me two years ago I would have said I wanted Haydug to be our one BIG source for everything.That didnt work out and really I dont think I would want to wish that on anyone again.Has turned into a spread the pain thing.Because the pitfalls of our machines just might be more than any one person can handle $ and sanity wise.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:46 pm
by Sage
I would not get to worried about Blackwidow. I was there today, and their new operation apears to be in it for the long haul. Who rally knows though, Enron, Cannondale, and MCI were all in it for the long haul also.