Site problems

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#21 Post by Happyboy »

Got the email doug, but i need you to reply to all so the invision chick is copied on the note.

thanks in advance!

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#22 Post by jesshamner »

I just want to say, "Thanks for stepping up, Happyboy." I was starting to get a little worried about the site.

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#23 Post by jwheat »

QUOTE (jesshamner @ May 23 2007, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The last I checked, guests have permission to access the forums but not to post. I will check it again.

I just checked. Guests are allowed to read all forums. They are not allowed to reply, start threads, or upload and files. Its a problem with the software I think. Seems like it is screwing up the cookies.

I can't view forums as a guest. Unless I log in, all I get is an error code saying I don't have permission to view this. Also, I get kicked back off about 30% of the time when I try to post or pm.

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#24 Post by Happyboy »

Well seems we are a bit over our space allocation. I am going to clean house until we can get some more space so don't be alarmed if a few things disappear. And don't frett, I am backing it all up. smile.gif

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#25 Post by Happyboy »

OK, i got the space issue taken care of. I also put back up an old homepage. I have no idea what happened to any of the newer ones as they are not out there anymore. I will get looking into the login problems next. smile.gif We are making some progress for sure!

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#26 Post by Happyboy »

Sorry for the very slow responses guys. I am running a full backup right now just to be safe and its affecting response time. It will be over soon.

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#27 Post by cannondale27 »

Way to go Happyboy!Am very thankful this is getting done.The old homepage is in Timbos PC.He downloaded it but couldnt get it back up.I found that post that sounded like our cookie problem.Check it out.Also the Paypal link on old Homepage goes to Haydug might want to change that since Timbo gets paid for work through that button sometimes.Let us all know if $ is needed to upgrade server space.

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#28 Post by Happyboy »

I found people complaining about the php file last night also. We are also on an older version of the board so I figure we are going to upgrade. I may end up taking the board down tonight to do the upgrade but I will put up a page saying so before I do.

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#29 Post by GDITheman »

Dude, thanks for helping make this work. This is why we are a community. It takes most of us working together to keep the dream alive. I just need to find something I can contribute sooner or later.

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#30 Post by Derno24 »

Happy if you need some help with the new stuff let me know I upgraded several months ago. But I do have to say I love the home page! I am back on!

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