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Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:40 am
by cannondale27
Obssesive Cannondale Disorder!Yup only real cure is to ride.As matter of fact that will cure 90% of ailments out there.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:23 am
by WJR
OK, I'll have to go for the other side on this one. There are a few things that going to college will do for you that may be worth it. Now, obviously. you can go to a big name Ivy or private out of state school and pay out the arse and then just be in debt. Don't do that. Onward. One thing college does really well is it it gives you options that you would not otherwise have. There are large sectors of industry, art, whatever, that you cannot even begin to think about penetrating without a college degree. The next thing college can do is teach you to think better. Before anyone gets all offended, I'm not at all saying that anyone who hasn;t been to college cant think, I am just saying that college can teach you to get more out of almost everything you do. It will not make a genius out of a dumb ***, but it can take a really smart guy and make him smarter, or more able to apply what he knows. Maybe you are smarter than your high school teachers--that could drive you nuts. But I really doubt you will be smarter than your college profs in their respective fields. Yes the profs appear as savants--"this guy could solve the Schroedinger equation in his head, but he can't change the oil in his car." That's why they are there. You get to learn a subject from someone who is an expert in that one little slice of subject. You can pick their brains, think up crazy stuff and run it by them, learn from them. It's more than just reading and doing homework--its experiencing the different fields. Of course there are a bunch of liberal, anti-Christian, commies in college, but you do not have to be that way. OK, third thing, you do not know how smart you are. Just because you get 100% on your tests in HS, very nice by the way, does not in any way mean you will get 100% in college courses. If you are at 100%, you may be just cracking a 100 or you could be skying over it--you'll never know until you are challenged, and you obviously aren't being too challenged currently--that could be one reason it seems so ridiculous to pursue more education. One last thing. There are a lot of things you are exposed to in college--things you haven't even thought of yet. You may like one of these things so much that you decide to make it your career.

OK thats the biggies for me. I have had a whole lotta school--12 years after high shcool--I even taught at a University. But, really, I friggen hate school. But I took what I wanted from it. After all is said and done, those things above are the real gems, and you can't get them just anywhere.

Out Here,

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:27 am
by RonDK
QUOTE (Nickc711 @ Nov 16 2007, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i really think add, ocd and all those supposed mental illnesses are total bs, just b/c you have trouble paying attention or stress out alot. It doesnt mean you have a illness, i bet i stress out just as much as you, do i have ocd... well if i was stressed out and went to one of those over payed couch potatoes, he would probably tell me i have ocd, or i cant pay attention in school so i have add. They are on the same level as lawyers, the scum of the earth.. If i was a dirtbag like that i could probably say that everybody is ocd, b/c we all obsess about something, all have stress, and all feel anxiety, look at all the people on this forum, are they all ocd b/c they are on here every day, well if they seen a shrink, they would be.They would they get a nice big shot to relax them
thats just my opinion.....i dont care what you have. if you try hard enough you could over come it...

It's much deeper that that, and it's not total BS, sorry. There's many other examples, stress is just the most common. It is obvious everyone has stress, but the way people with mental illnesses get it is much, much, different. Most people stress a lot because they have a lot of things going on in life. Car payments, blah blah etc... With OCD, things like objects not in parallel lines or straight lines freak you out. They get on your nerves till you just fix it. Also, things like spinning a baby doll head around, but not spinning it back freaks you out. Why? I don't know but that is not normal. Mental illnesses ARE NOT total BS and its sad people believe that. Stress does not constitute OCD. The way you get stress does. Another example would be stepping on a crack with your left foot and the need to do the same with your right. It's like you need an equal reaction to every action. It's much more than worrying about daily fact, most "stresses" associated with OCD are not even about reality. It would take more than a simple post to explain all of it and a lot of it, I don't even want to get into. By the way, I did not visit a "couch potato," their opinions are as good as anyone else's.

It's obvious you have no problems with mental illnesses or anything of the sort. Anyone with one knows how odd it is, not being able to just "stop." A mental illness is something not right in the brain, just as a physical injury is something broken/fractured. Just because the brain has the ability to be manipulated, does not mean you have control of all of it. If you were the only one able to feel wind, would anyone believe you? Of course not, because they would have no experience with it. The brain is an amazing piece in one's body. Just because it doesn't have a big crack running through it doesn't mean its all right. My brother had ADD and I thought the same thing, Nick. I just told him one day, "Why don't you just listen? How hard could it be? You're just being lazy and using it as an excuse" Now, I feel terrible for what I said to him because he was right....He indeed has no control over it. He is a brilliant kid and very smart. Why would he just decide not to listen? It makes no sense to do such an action. That told me that he was telling the truth. I now know how it feels and I feel bad for him.

I don't want to fight about this anymore. I know what I have because I have experienced it. It's hard to believe how odd the forms of stress are but they do exist. I would love to elaborate, but the problem is, I cannot. I can simply give examples.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:40 am
by RonDK
QUOTE (WJR @ Nov 17 2007, 03:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, I'll have to go for the other side on this one. There are a few things that going to college will do for you that may be worth it. Now, obviously. you can go to a big name Ivy or private out of state school and pay out the arse and then just be in debt. Don't do that. Onward. One thing college does really well is it it gives you options that you would not otherwise have. There are large sectors of industry, art, whatever, that you cannot even begin to think about penetrating without a college degree. The next thing college can do is teach you to think better. Before anyone gets all offended, I'm not at all saying that anyone who hasn;t been to college cant think, I am just saying that college can teach you to get more out of almost everything you do. It will not make a genius out of a dumb ***, but it can take a really smart guy and make him smarter, or more able to apply what he knows. Maybe you are smarter than your high school teachers--that could drive you nuts. But I really doubt you will be smarter than your college profs in their respective fields. Yes the profs appear as savants--"this guy could solve the Schroedinger equation in his head, but he can't change the oil in his car." That's why they are there. You get to learn a subject from someone who is an expert in that one little slice of subject. You can pick their brains, think up crazy stuff and run it by them, learn from them. It's more than just reading and doing homework--its experiencing the different fields. Of course there are a bunch of liberal, anti-Christian, commies in college, but you do not have to be that way. OK, third thing, you do not know how smart you are. Just because you get 100% on your tests in HS, very nice by the way, does not in any way mean you will get 100% in college courses. If you are at 100%, you may be just cracking a 100 or you could be skying over it--you'll never know until you are challenged, and you obviously aren't being too challenged currently--that could be one reason it seems so ridiculous to pursue more education. One last thing. There are a lot of things you are exposed to in college--things you haven't even thought of yet. You may like one of these things so much that you decide to make it your career.

OK thats the biggies for me. I have had a whole lotta school--12 years after high shcool--I even taught at a University. But, really, I friggen hate school. But I took what I wanted from it. After all is said and done, those things above are the real gems, and you can't get them just anywhere.

Out Here,

I have thought of going to a community college to get a feel for it but I just don't really want to. Doing well in High school means nothing to me. To be honest I cannot stand school, like you said in your last sentences. Its not the TYPE of challenge I am up for if that makes sense to you. I know I will learn a lot of things because it is a time of change, but it just does not interest me. I see a bunch of my friends all fired up and excited about college. I look at it as a ditch in the road that I don't have to take. I just can't explain why I can't get a liking towards it. I think it's because I tried so hard in school that I am just worn out and bored. When I go to work, I have the time of my life and it's like a whole different atmosphere. Your experience and hard work actually pays off (literally). I think I might tour a couple colleges though, just to get a feel for what it's like. I in no way believe that it is pointless, because many jobs require that you go to college for a degree. I have a feeling that I may be interested in some as I visit them though. I just have no way of paying for it and I don't want to think about that LOL. Fear is mostly what pushes me away. I know I can make an okay living with what I do now and I'm afraid that if I go to college, I screwed up big time. The thing that pushes me away from work, however, is that my back is bad (thanks Cannondale Cannibal HAHA). I get told everyday by everyone that I'm not going to last in the field I'm in and that really fires me up. What makes me even more mad is that they are probably right. A person with a back injury at 18 has no place lifting heavy tires all day.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:44 am
by RonDK
QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Nov 16 2007, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Obssesive Cannondale Disorder!Yup only real cure is to ride.As matter of fact that will cure 90% of ailments out there.

LOL. That dang Cannondale blew the discs out of my spine so I would say it is responsible for 100% of back problems. Too bad I can't ride to cure it, my quad has been ripped apart after the second time I rode it, which was like 2 years ago. I want to get back on that thing so bad again. It's not like my dang back is getting any worse haha. I'll never forget riding it for the first time - what a trip!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:54 am
by jesshamner
I think you're getting caught up in instant gratitude and success. You really should look ahead. I'm not telling you whether to go to college or not. But I definitely think you aren't thinking things through. Now, in fear of contradicting myself, I'm going to say this... Things in life are never certain. You may decide to skip college and start working, later to become very successful. I don't doubt that for one minute. You seem like a bright guy. But it may turn out that you don't like what you're doing 10 years from now. Then what are you going to do? Go back to college? You could. On the other hand, you could go to college now, figure out what you really want to do and then work in that field after college. Then after 10 years you might decide you don't like that either. My point is, you can't predict the future. You can only prepare the best you know how and hope for the best. My advice is to take the opportunities that you are given while you can. If college is the wrong choice, so be it. Drop out and go back to doing what you were doing. If working isn't what you want to do, go back to college. Just understand that what you do now is not the final word.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:07 pm
by UpsMan
Honestly, and I mean this, it sounds like you need to go get a tat and get laid. Walk under a ladder, kick a black cat, and break a mirror. Eat something after you drop it on the floor. Do something dangerous. For gods sake, don't worry about stepping on a crack in the **** sidewalk!! And then everything should become clear. Good luck on your quest.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:40 pm
by RonDK
QUOTE (UpsMan @ Nov 17 2007, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honestly, and I mean this, it sounds like you need to go get a tat and get laid. Walk under a ladder, kick a black cat, and break a mirror. Eat something after you drop it on the floor. Do something dangerous. For gods sake, don't worry about stepping on a crack in the **** sidewalk!! And then everything should become clear. Good luck on your quest.

I have no problem with ladders, cats, or mirrors (lol..) I work for a sign company too right now and I climb high above to install them. The things that bother you are not a means of fear. I don't fear anything that annoys me, it just gets on your nerves. I'll never be able to describe it... its not what you think. They just annoy you to no end and the more you try not to, the worse it is. The best thing you can do is fix the problem, like straightening a line of objects or making sure a door is locked. If you walk around all day trying to ignore the annoyance of not remembering if you locked a door, it will NOT overcome the stress of it. The best thing you can do is simply go back, check it, and be done with it. This is not something you can just "talk it out." I ran into this article as I wrote this, maybe it will provide some insight.

"Most people with OCD know that their obsessions and compulsions make no sense, but they can't ignore or stop them." There are many forms of it and many different things to "obsess" about. For example, I am totally unaffected by superstitions, eating things that were on the ground, germs, and many other things. However, other things do annoy me, like things that are not symmetrical.

When you have OCD, you check and recheck so many times that it is hilarious. No matter how many times you talk it through, you know that just checking will be much easier. That is one of the reasons I don't like school or college. Making sure my work is right is an overload in my head. This part, I cannot control, but the other components I can. The reason I tied it into my college question was so you can get some knowledge on what it is like. I had no idea it would explode into a big debate questioning its existence. I know it does and that is all that matters to me, so believe what you want. There is no cure and simple things like saying to get a tat is silly...

Aside from that, for those of you that DID go to college, how long did it take you to get the job you wanted? Was paying for college easy?(I mean like payment options)

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:22 pm
by UpsMan
I went to college. Paying for it after quitting sucked. I started working for Ups 20 years ago while in college and am still driving for them today. I quit because I hated school and discovered Ups drivers make enough money to make me happy, and I figured I could handle the job. I have been relatively happy with my decision ever since I made it. I love the job, hate my supervisors. I am on my own most of the day, so it works for me. The money is good and I am happy. If I could do it over again, I would skip college and go to tech school to learn to paint cars and do body work, or weld or plumbing. I don't care how bad the economy is, the world needs plumbers.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 10:43 pm
by cannondale27
I went to Tech school for automotive Repair.Was working in factory for Manpower while going to school.Factory hired me for turret lathe job while I was still in school.Graduated tech school and even took a couple ASE test I believe in alignment and diagnosis.Still couldnt find a job that paid what I was making at factory so thats where I stayed moving up positions whenever I could.Dont regret the schooling since I use the knowledge and tools everyday just not on cars.Dont regret the factory job either since it pays dang good and usually dont have to work more than a 40hr week.Always figured I would get fired or laid off and then I would do something else like go to school for some medical field.Never happened after almost 20years now.Believe me I have come close to getting canned more than once but still there.Last week I was supposedly going to get fired really didnt bother me much at all.Was looking forward to going to Texas to watch 12hr and lots of other plans.Idiots only gave me two days off with pay and a written warning again laugh.gif Point is I am 40 years old and still open to change.Drastic ones.Keep a open mind whatever you decide to do and never be afraid to try something new.Just having that attitude also gives you a edge over your superiors.Bugs the heck out of them if they know you are only there for the $ and ease of your job which you are very good at.I always tell them I work smart not hard.When they say your not a team player tell them your team is at home.Doesnt mean I am lazy and dont do a great job but I do not make work my priority.Niether should you.There is much more to life.