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Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 1:11 pm
PA state law states:
u must register your ATV if u plan to use it on any land thats not yours, basically. its $20 every two years.
Limited registration IS still required for use on your own land!!!!!!!!! BUT its free and never runs out..

Insurance: Pa law states u must carry liabilty ins. on ANY atv that is operated on land that is not soley owned by U. Technically we could get nailed at the D6's because we do not own the land, BUT we do sign a release at the gate, and we do pay$30 to lease the land for 1 hour. hhhhmmmmmm???????

Its all gray to me i don't sweat it. My EX is registered and insured, but my R's are not. I know it would not stand up in court but to a slow witted officer, this might work>>> well officer i am a member of District 6 which is a part of the AMA and my registration # is here on this d6 card, you'll see it matches the #750 on my fenders of the bike, its hand built for closed course competition!!! now leave me alone!!!!

later, J

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 5:51 pm
by 4punksdad never fails how the "public servants" serve the public. I have done some time in the philly area. it wasn't ever pleasant. that goes for jersey and ny too. the more places I visit, the more I like VA.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 3:26 pm
by haydug
Glad to hear you got your bike back. I have not had such good luck. As some of you may remember, I had 3 bikes stolen, and the nice guys decided to burn my garage on their way out the door. I have since learned who done this. Funny thing is the local police know who done it.
It started when a buddy of mine called about the $5000 reward I put on them. He said he knew where he could buy 3 bikes matching the description of my bikes for $500 each, but he wanted some protection and to be arrested because he was scared of the guys with the bikes. We go to the police and talk with private investigater. After some details, it seems all seems t fall in place. He names who is selling the bikes, the cop say "he is usually the guy who takes them to Kentucky and sells them, has he said anything about so & so" (No names here)
They try and set up the sting, but after 2 hours of waiting, they give up because of "overtime cost"
The more I talk to him, the guy trying to sell the bikes was at a party drunk and bragging about how they have stolen over 50 bikes, but the guy in KY who buys all of them wouldn't buy these 3 because they are so rare. The cop's response was "50 is conservative, probably more like 80-100"
OK, I'm not a cop, but if I know these guys are stealing bikes, and he even knew what they haul them in(horse trailer), why not bust them???
I have learned so much more about these guys, group of 3 brothers, have ran from law(state police) twice in last 4 months, once caught in the driveway and shot with stun gun, the other brothers surrounded the cop and tried to beat him up, with NO charges filed.
These guys have a trash service and that is how they are finding all these bikes. There is another that works at a bike shop and is robbing them blind, Funny thing is the law knows about it to and told the shop owner not to fire him yet.
My next step was to call the FBI. I got a response of "we don't handle atv's". So I say "how about arson" and she sounds a little interested. I go on and tell her about our wonderful sherrif department, and the numerous stories about these guys. They said they would check it out and get back to me. Still waiting.
Another guy went to their house to see if his stolen atv was there, as he was leaving they shot at his truck, hitting him. Police? Nothing
Anyway, I FEEL YOU PAIN BROTHER! Just be glad you got yours back.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 4:57 pm
by 4punksdad
haydug...........sound like you need to pay them boys a visit one night.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 6:12 pm
by haydug
It happened on Feb. 24th, I'd say they will remember that night, every year.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 6:35 pm
by cdale127
derno...glad you got the quad back

haydug.....there is only one way to deal with that kinda trash;)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 7:11 pm
by 4punksdad
Originally posted by cdale127
derno...glad you got the quad back

haydug.....there is only one way to deal with that kinda trash;)

gas & a match?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 7:45 pm
by Derno24
Give me a call...I was warned by the police not to go near this guy or their case will be ruined. I'll do a trade Haydug yours for mine....I was told go near him and you will find yourself in more trouble than him. I definitely need some room to vent. You think these aZZholes still have your machines???

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 8:21 pm
by haydug
Actually the $5000.00 reward has some people in "low" places trying to find these bikes. I was informed over the weekend that the cannondale and 250r are still indeed in the area, they are trying to buy a cannondale frame off the internet, since they know they can get around $8000-$10,000 for it. The R is sitting somewhere, but he didn't mention anything about the 400ex. These bikes are listed on exriders in "stolen bike" forum (in which I want to start on this site). If anyone happens to see or here anything about one of these bikes, let me know PLEASE..
There is way more to the story about these crooks, and local law is doing nothing. I was also told if I was caught around them, I'd be locked away for awhile. So I guess I will take the P.I. to dinner the night their house burns. How's that for alliby?wink.gif

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 5:56 pm
by cdale127
gas and a match:o i was think along those lines:D would it be a lil overkill to shoot them when they came runnin out the house:eek: biggrin.gif

i wish the cops would take atv theft more seriously:( IMO its because the majority of atv's arent the insurance companies lose nothing....leaving us workin joe's out the cash. you let me know and ill do a road trip...this stuff burns my arse:mad: