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#21 Post by 2000ex »

You are correct, they will never duplicate that frame. I am sure it would run THOUSANDS to have it replicated the way that it is.

Having a heap of Cannondale parts will not make you a ton of money in the short term as I think may be their intent. Dave and Brad who probably have the largest inventory of Cannondale parts on the planet will tell you that. It is a long term investment they both have made.

The problem is the market is flooded with parted bikes driving the prices way down. The longer this keeps going, the lower the cost of the parts will be until the inventory has dried up and the demand is there again.

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#22 Post by Happyboy »

I really do love all the back seat drivers we have around here. Always ready to inject their disbelief and hatred of anyone that doesn't live up to "our" standard. Why would they talk to us? They aren't building a cannondale motor, they are using something different. I would rather see them use newer componants but if not, meh, its not my company. Instead of looking at everything so negative why not look at the pros of what they are bringing. A new company to the table!! And on top of that they could be using our chassis. That is huge guys, HUGE! And who said ATK didn't get any aftermarket parts to the table? They did a few but they failed to go mainstream and hence fewer parts went mainstream. Whose fault was it they priced themselve out of the market and delivered a ticking time bomb to the dealers? I'd have to go with ATK on that one. I just hope the OK guys don't do the same thing.

MX Quad Dad
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#23 Post by MX Quad Dad »

test bike does fit the bill. and I hope they aren't makeing the cannondale mistake of announcing to early. but if they are ready to produce this I would say the announcement is about right on time. I was always running a little behind getting ready for the next race season and would have considered it normal to not have acted on any plans until after the new year. Income tax check will be comming in shortly (at least for the people that may be racing next year) and the indy show is just around the corner.

dirtwheels sees this as a way to move thier rag off the stands and if Highland doesn't take out full page ads they probubly won't rate very high.

27; I know some of the pep here read dirtwheel and they most likly take everything with a grain of salt. but I would answer your comment about the readers of dirtwheels being idiots with a YES. most of them are

class; I would say you give dirtwheels to much credit. I still remember the artical that complained that the dale powerband had a two stroke feel to it and later bragged that the YFZ had a two stroke type powerband

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#24 Post by 2000ex »


If you are refering as a part of the back seat drivers I want to let you know that my only complaint is them calling this a new machine. That is my only gripe. We are all entitled to our opinions as are you.

It could be ANY manufacturer regargless if it a cannondale or not. It should be a standard setforth by anyone producing a product. Cannondale, ATK, Honda, Harley, Maico, Indian, Chevrolet, Ford it does not matter what they produce. To use 10 year old components and used parts on a machine how can you call the machine new?
My information is purely speculative from what they have presented to us in that article. Nothing more nothing less.

Also, please let me in on all these aftermarket companies ATK brought in to produce aftermarket parts for our machines and how they turned out. Lets call those companies and ask how their projects went from their perspective. I would guess most were a bust.

Most of the aftermarket has stopped completely making chassis components for these because there is no demand for them. Call Houser and Walsh up and ask them how many arms or stems they have sold for these bikes in the last 2 years.

We need to look at this objectively and honestly from a business perspective. How many of these machines will they need to sell in order to get the attention of a solid aftermarket company to start producing parts again? The answer is A LOT.

This is now the third company who will be using the SAME components in order to produce a machine. Cannondale, ATK, and now Highland. If ATK could not generate any mainstream interest or even legit aftermarket interest in these machines...then how more than 5 years later with the same components how do you think Highland will fare?

Lets wait and find out.

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#25 Post by kdeal »

QUOTE (2000ex @ Dec 24 2009, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is now the third company who will be using the SAME components in order to produce a machine. Cannondale, ATK, and now Highland. If ATK could not generate any mainstream interest or even legit aftermarket interest in these machines...then how more than 5 years later with the same components how do you think Highland will fare?

Lets wait and find out.


This is where I have to respectfully disagree with you. No one has produced any machines except Cannondale. ATK's venture into this was strickly parts. They chose to call remanufactured Cannondales an ATK and no one is around to sue them because Cannondale corporation does not want to be remembered for anything motorsports related and ATK did not cross their line by not using any of the Cannondale badging or names (ei: Cannibal, Speed, etc).

Like I said in my "rant", there will never be another frame like ours. I think they are just testing the waters with our frame. I do not believe this is even near the final product. I am definitely watching closely at motor development though! I have heard some pretty high numbers from that motor so far.

Let's see...........

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#26 Post by IRONSIDE »

There is nothing "new" with a Folan/Highland type powerplant in the Dale frame. Cannondale experimented with that design in their bikes as late as '99-'00.

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#27 Post by 2000ex »


That was my entire point.

The word produced was in reference to creating a machine to sell not manufacturing the parts in order to sell. smile.gif

Other companies are calling Cannondale produced parts cobbled together their own brand. This will be the 3rd company to use the same parts for an ATV. Is that statement incorrect?

I am pretty sure ATK was selling complete machines as yearly models for sale as "NEW" machines with new VIN numbers.

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#28 Post by Happyboy »

Yup, Wes ATK did do that. I have no problem what so ever if they used cannondale frames in their machines. But you are right, no used parts. Gathering used parts and calling them new is wrong. Now, I know there were a ton of frames available before, but not enough to handle a true attempt to break into the market. I just hope they are able to make something out of it, and not go south like the last company we dealt with.

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#29 Post by speedracer »

Nice looking machine,I would consider buying one.

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#30 Post by dvrack »

My question is do I Get a tax break from Uncle Sam if I buy a chinese quad? I mean since we are on Chinas teat since we owe them a butt load of money maybe we can work out some sort of incentive to buy Chinese products . This is a sarcastic post so dont flame me too bad.

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