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Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 8:22 pm
by Derno24
Yes you do have to send to the ecu. Remember when recieving setting recieve all of them. Not just thottle settings.

Still seems like you are running a little lean. You may want to change the spark plug this way you can look at the plug and see if it is lean or fat.

Then you can makechanges from there.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 8:31 pm
by cannibalq8
the plug is new and its ok ( use NGK iriudum CR9EX somthing like that ).

hm..... i guess i didnt send it back to ECU coz in main screen the I/O still i recevied it from southbay .6541 somthing near that.

should i re-calibrate it after change the I/O setting ?


Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 9:56 pm
by Derno24
I recalibrate every time I make a setting change. It isn't necessary, but it keeps you from having to go back and do it if something is wrong.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 1:44 pm
by cannibalq8
guess what???? the backfire disappear. southbay told me to increase the throttle offset ( throttle leakage ) from 0.0 ro 0.5 if not increase it to 0.7 to solve stalling and hard start problem.

after make it 0.7 i saw stock raptor and i asked him to drag race me ..... he smoke me to **** sad.gif((((((((((((((((((( in sand and in asphalt also sad.gif(((((.... ( i raced same this raptor last year wen im stock with hmf and smoke him sad.gif((((((((((

i have bad luck sad.gif((((.... i guess there is somthing wrong with the mapping ... im very very diosappointmrnt sad.gif(((((

my nomber is :-

throttle offset 0.7
flow injector 2530
injector offset 1.0

it i didnt stalling again but when i switch off its sooo hard to start it again sad.gif((((

* checked the ground and electrical stuff..... its ok

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 12:41 am
by cannibalq8
i guess found the problem but i cant fix it sad.gif . the problem is that while re-calibrate and took the min and max reading.. opened the monitor its show me that the throttle position is 0. and i still don't know why.. as i know it should a number but not 0.sad.gif
i changed the throttle position sensor and its NO CHANGE still 0.

* when the t.p is 0. i pressed the start button without start it so its become 2.3 then i increase it by 3 and send it to ecu. every time i do that it start directly BUT when its stalling or i shut it down it will not start.when i repeat the same thing it start directly and if i shut it down or stalling it didnt want to start.
i cant find the solution ...this problem will drive me crazy
4 weeks now and i didnt solve this problem...guys i really really really need ur help

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 2:34 am
by Derno24
You are confusing things here. When you are setting the throttle position you are setting a 0 and a 100 position. This lets the computer know where your closed and fully open throttle positions are. When you return to the main map settings you should have a number where the throttle position actually is. That is the number you have to make 3 higher. If you have done it this way then your injector settings are way off you will need to fatten it up some. Lower the flowrate number a little (50) increments. These are suggestions you can use, but I suggest talking to optimum. I think you are missing something very easy and Scotter at optimum could help you better on the phone then I can over the internet.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 10:53 am
by cannibalq8
i called scotter last friday. he told this is strang or i guess i cant explain this problem by phone. can u make me a favor and call scooter and explain for him my problem i will be thankful for u Derno24. i agree with i feel that i missing somthing when i re-calibrate. can u list for me the EXACT steps of the re-calibration ( when and how much should i loss both of the throttle cable and the idel screw to take the min settings ). or if u wanna me to call u PM with ur phone number

IM SOO SORRY Derno24 I KNOW IM BOTHERING U AND EVERYONE HERE don't blame me guys no body can help here even my stupied dealer. im missing riding my dale and the season will start soon sad.gif