Tire Balls???

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#21 Post by Derno24 »

Jeff at the quad shop has used them. I don't know anything about them chewing up the sidewalls though.

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#22 Post by JeffQuadShop »

13 of the top 15 GNCC pros are running Tire Balls this year. Myself, William Yokley, Traci and Rick Cecco did the testing for them last season.
Yes, they are that good!!!:clap:

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#23 Post by Derno24 »

Jeff what kind of price are we talking about here?

Can we install ourselves or do we have to send them out?

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#24 Post by thomez »

I think it is a grand and they are the installers only. They will change them from your old tires to your new though when they wear out... that is the best info I have on em... www.tireballs.com too.

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#25 Post by JeffQuadShop »

They are $250 per wheel and you can install them yourself. They have an instructional video.

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#26 Post by cdalepilot »

i imagine the tire balls would add some weight?but the advantages out weigh the dissadvantages it looks like?

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#27 Post by JeffQuadShop »

Its very little weight at all.....maybe 1/2 pound a tire at the most.

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#28 Post by thomez »

Thanks for clearing that up Jeff, I had previously heard that they would only install them. Cool news, still darn expensive... I wonder if I could make my own... LOL.

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#29 Post by JeffQuadShop »

The price won't go down because they are very expensive to manufacture. This is just like buing an aftermarket frame or shocks. You only have to buy them once.

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