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Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:02 pm
by TheJaspMan
It sure would be nice if we could find someone to make that nose. I would be interested in at least two or three of them!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:40 pm
by claas900
nickg !! you the man..and t/y for getting theses rare piece's and keeping them in good shape/ and shareing them with us..t/y..
There has been so much talk about that axle and hood,its nice to see some good pics..t/y..again.

ps i hope ATK or someone with some"power" is reading this...itd be so said to see this be wasted..

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:53 am
by protraxrptr17
I have been wondering where that thing went also. It's a crying shame this company didn't make it. I hang my head because I was one of the doubters. Anybody that says the YFZ is the first race ready, industry changing production quad needs kicked in the nuts. Do you think Yamaha would ever try something like that axle/swingarm setup? No, they force feed us the same tired old machines for 18+ years. I hate myself.:mad:

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 2:08 am
by sillysspeed
I doubt it seriously, if you saw the effort involed in making this and the amount of r&d time put in, you would crap yourself.......this is not just a laidup piece of carbon, it is a finite engineered part and it shows when you look at the unit as a whole, from the collet style hubs to the hand swingarm(not a stocker but a unique casting too) to the billet carrier arms. My father is a machinist too and said the swingarm would be in the thousands to make let alone the actual pressure molding of the axle(which the tooling was sold for scrap metal(:mad:) the whole machine is unique and that makes this a bigger job that really cannot be reproduced with much ease [/B][/QUOTE]

Sounds like he wants to be the only one with a carbon fiber axle!!

all of the materials to make the swingarm/carbon axle would NOT be in the thousands.. carbon fiber is only $15 a foot. How would Cannondale have sold the MOTO for thousands more.. they could hardly sell them for $12500. I credit Cannondale for making one he## of a Quad and for going a totally different direction than anyone else.. That's what Americans do!! But for you to say that someone else that you do not even know cannot do something is outrageous!! Hey but who really cares.. :drink:

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 2:54 am
by Jaybr
You know there is another identical setup out there, we'll see it one day:)

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 3:15 am
by sillysspeed
Originally posted by nickg
sillyspeed, you obviously have never tried to have some tning made, and prepreg, is not $15 a yard...that is strand stuff. the real issue is the engineering, do you have a degree in engineering? do you have any idea of what strand orientation is? How would you propose to make it? do you or you buddy who does carbon have an autoclave?  do you even know what an autoclave is? would you just keep wrapping a tube? at what angles should the layers intersect? how do you propose to attach the hubs or the drive flanges?  my point is that unless you are litterally a genious.....and or you have the ability to do real R&D work and have access to cad cam, finite analisys and have lots of time(it took tod in excess of 5 years he said and literally thousands of hours of work and many different versions of it and he took the time to explain to me how it was done in depth) good luck. this is not including the swingarm. I can say that you could duplicate the carrier pretty easy if you had it. but the real crux is in the lay up and the various angles of the prepreg. you see any monkey can lay it up, the real guys can do it in a way that maximises the strength and minimises the weight . the hardest one to make is always the first, then they start getting easy as you have made the tooling and can train someone to make them pretty cheap, in fact most items such as cars actually cost little to make, they coast average the engineering into each unit and that spread obver greater #'s lowers the project cost.  I wil thisl offer to let you look at and try, this is something that should be shared with all cannondale guys, I would never hide it away. again, I encourage people to see what could have been.

no I'm not an Engineer.. and I don;t want to be an Engineer BUT my Uncle and his Carbon Fiber friend are both Mechanical Engineers!! If you can read you will see that I never said I could make it!!! I know who can make it!! He doesn't make Carbon fiber for little rice burners.. most of the work they do is for the Government. You think thier not worried about strength and durability!! The only reason you know what strand orientation and an autoclave are is because you talked to the guy you bought it from!! If he can make a Helicopter I'm sure he can make an axle. How about I get his phone # for you and you can see how much you really know!! Given enough time they could make it and make it work, WITHOUT seeing you beloved swingarm/axle at all!!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 3:46 am
by sillysspeed
Originally posted by nickg
gee i was unaware that they were the only people allowed to to know composites....please take my degree in technology back...I guess I am not worthy. any way, I am not gonna get in a pissing match. I will help you out if you want. being mad and saying stuff like you do is pretty lame man. grow up. but hey, I can give you the dimensions(that is if I can measure it right in your opinion) of the stuff, all you need to do is ask.  but not tomorrow, I have to reenroll in 1st grade to restart my education(or better can I work for your uncle, where I work is not even close to able to match them in knowledge, so be on the lookout for any BMW you see, as they were designed by dummies we are really dumb, especially in production parts engineering )
Can you recomend me a good school? perhaps the one your uncle attended? I can use a good referral:clap:
oh, I guess my father who is also in the defense industry must be one of the dumb ones too, he agreed with me......funny cause he help invent the modern sabo tank shell, guess he was lucky with that and the claymore and telstar worked cause he worked on them too :confused:

yea John's Hopkins or Virginia Tech. If you recall you were the one who started all this by saying that someone you don't even know could not do something (that's pretty low). Your father sounds like a very smart man (much like my Uncle) but I don't think you deserve much credit for making a BMW horn sound different than a Mercedes.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 4:35 am
by Jaybr
This is getting ridiculous.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 9:11 am
by cdrookie

i thought i was on exriders.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:23 am
by sillysspeed
:mad: :mad: