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Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:34 pm
by TheJaspMan
In my case it's not a matter of liking you or not. I only know one or two guys here personally. So I really don't draw opinions like that. I don't even care if people like me. I don't live my life for anyone but my family. So if money was a problem from the start you cannot blame anyone but yourself. I do it too. But I would NEVER vent that kind of info in a public forum.

But here are my responses to your points.

1. Are you saying you took them to Walden MX and acutally rode that plastic? If so that proves you could care less about the historical aspect of it. Even if you took it easy what if some dumb *** would have run into it?

2. Someone offered to create a mold and sell that style at cost. But due to the fact you wanted money for the use of them the project was dropped. What would have been so devistating to let someone make a close replica? You could have still sold them to a collector and made your money back.

3. Speculating is risky. Agreed. But owning Cdales right now and wanting another means nothing. I have two and am working on four before Xmas. They are inexpensive right now. And are a piece of history. The items in question are one-of-a-kind. Not rideable quads.

4. The Cannondale employee had every right to be mad. But still did something incrediably stupid. And it's unfortunate.

5. The Moto. Well, Jeff is in business (The Quad Shop) to make money. And if he found someone to pay that kind of money for his quad than more power to him. But at the same time I was offerd a brand new Blaze for $2200 yesterday. And had I known a little while earlier I would have gotten it. But I just got another crated one for $3500. As far as Jaybr's quad we are still talking about available quads and not one-of-a-kind parts.

6. I won't even go into this one. It's a rant and stupid.

Nick, I cannot speak for everyone and would never want to. But I think the issue is this: why did you take a loan for the parts KNOWING you would have to sell them off to make your money back and deny that is the case? You make it sound as if you bought them to lose money and we all know that is simply not the case.

I would love to see the stuff go to a collector. If that's you then box that stuff up and put it away! Stop playing with it. If it's not you then sell it. And it's not the price that makes a collector. Stop acting like it is. You could sell it for four times it's value only to discover its on some rich kids sand quad getting destroyed at Glamis. Or you could sell it to some of these repuitable guys that you know will display it like a piece of art.

I'm really sorry if I'm a jerk. But I have learned through my own hard knocks that it's best to be honest than hold it in. I will respect what ever you choose to do, as long as it's a respectable act. Theating to cut it up makes you sound 3 not 33...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:48 pm
by nickg are confused, i wanted a small ($500) deposit on the fenders before i would let them be used for a mold. wouldn't you? I don't know that guy from adam, how do i know i am not boxing them up and never seeing them again? i asked for that for my own protection. I am not in any financial bind, i just want to pay what i owe....wouldn't you?(i hate owing $) i used the fenders to ride in the pits mostly and around he track onece, i did not race them, beleive me i am aware that some one would crash into me, i bought the stuff cause it was cool..i can put a regualr axle on it and ride it(which is probably what i will do ) I know speculating is risky, hence i do not do it. and it was not Jeff it was Jaybr who sold the moto(no offense)...i am whiney and oversensitive sometimes(i will always admit that) far as holding it in,,,you are right.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:45 pm
by TheJaspMan
No, I think maybe you misunderstood him. If that were really the the case I would have put the $500 up myself and never thought twice about his intentions. Between he and I we would have provided plenty of deposit for this item.

As for riding it, you should have took pictures, boxed it up and left it alone. In your eBay ad you actually put "this is the only set in the world, there are no others". So why would you even risk taking it out? That's just crazy. If you have been riding as long as you say then you know how quickly wierd stuff happens at the track. Just yesterday I saw a guy backup into a quad, trip over it and nearly bust the fender. It happens that easy.

Either way. I am simply disappointed and am praying that some spoiled rich kid doesn't buy this suff from you and ruin it. It would be an incredible waste of true American history. Think about that 'AMERICAN HISTORY'. How many things can you buy these days that are American? Fewer and fewer every day. And here is one more example of history being sold to the highest bidder.

No disrepect, I'm just glad my name won't be associated with the demise of it all. That's not the kind of attention I would want from this group. It may not seem like as big a deal as I portray it. But I am a Cannondale Rider, and to me these parts ARE a big deal. Priceless does not have to mean outrageous.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:14 pm
by USAMoto00
Holy chit! That plastic is up to $1000 already! I fear this plastic will be lost and gone forever fellas. I agree with what you said Jasp, and very well put I might add. We might not be the biggest group of riders out there, but I believe we are the most compasionate and embrassive to our machines. This is not a group that bought machines for a year of riding only to resell and get something else. I believe that almost all the people left on this site were/are in it for the long haul. It's a shame that as a group we will never be able to have this plastic on our machines. I wish that ATK or even Dinli would have bought this plastic to produce so that we would have an opportunity to buy it. Does anyone know someone at Maier or Fullbore that could help? This is a frickin tragedy!:mad: :cry:

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:22 pm
by cannondale27
Fox thanks for the pics I like looking at the pics almost everyday trying to figure out what is the best way to preserve these things and maybe get them produced.If Ryanstones wants to start a fund I am in.I cant think of someone I would trust more to keep these things intact.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:48 pm
by Jaybr
Nice pics.

It was stated in a earlier thread (that was deleted) that Cycra owns the rights to this plastic. I'm not 100% positive but I believe this is true.

I have personally talked to Cycra on several occasions about making us some of this, and they really aren't interested. They do not have molds for this, it was hand made.

Even if they did agree to produce it, I think the cost would be such that we would not be able to afford it. Your not talking $50 a peice, probably more like $1000. On stock plastic they want a minimum order of 100 sets and nobody has stepped up to get that done. Just think of the additional cost to make the molds and get setup for it.

I honestly think that our best chance would be to get something similar to this but not exact. These fenders are 9 seperate peices not including the spars, we would need to get something down to maybe 3 peices plus spars. We would also have to find a plastic company willing to make it in small quantities.

what I see from the pics:
main hood
removable lid
2 air vent grills
scoop underneath
2 clear headlight covers
removable fenders

what I suggest:
single peice front end
2 clear headlight covers.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:01 pm
by wistech
I agree . I can come up with a $100 for a bidding pool to be part owner to a piece of history. Would we need any legal contract to insure security and insurance?

I would like to add that this is a free country and Nick can do as he pleases with his stuff. I must admit it I would have to bolt the plastic up to show it off just once . Then back in the vault.

So come on guys ,lets do something positive here and help Nick and ourselves at the same time.:usa

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:11 pm
by Ryanstones
Thanks for your confidence 27. I appreciate it alot, but was really thinking we'd have JayBr hold them. I guess if we had 14 guys with $100 we could do the buy it now, if Nick would even sell it to us, after the grief he feels he's got here.
I am a little concerned about the condition they are in, and would not want the UPS store to pack them. don't think they would take the care required.

What then?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:25 pm
by wistech
Im sure someone who lives close could volunteer to pick them up.


Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:55 am
by Ryanstones
Nick has been in contact with The MAN at ATK and perhaps this awesome piece of Cannondale history will become a part of ATK's future.

That would be the best outcome i could imagine. Whether ATK is able to produce these or something inspired by these, i have no idea. But i sure would rest well knowing they were in good hands.

Clearly, plastics based on the prototype would be HOT.
