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Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 2:52 am
by Exodus
Hecklar and Koch, USP 40 S&W, Glasers on the top and Talons for the rest of the 14 rd clip, two thirty rd clips as back up. Haivng said that, two shots mid torso, two more talons mid torso on the way down. Take cover call the police, surrender my weapon, wonder why I wasnt carrying the $10 through away instead of my nearly thousand dollar peice of what is now scrap metal. Go to jail, hopefully beat the rap and vote REPUBLICAN in hopes that someone somewhere someday will make it a little easier for me to defend myself from lunatics like the last guy I dropped.

OH, by the way, Mr. Kerry with his intelligent ideas brought up a bill to make all guns with pistol grips illegal. hmmmm, that would include every weapon made if I'm not mistaken..

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:13 am
by levi550
Originally posted by comander420

I'm an american and I vote for the best candidate not a party I suggest the rest of you get some forceps and pull your head out of your a** before the next job lost is your own!!!!!  
Bang Bang

No doubt :usa

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:24 am
by comander420
Don't take my last post wrong, I'm not saying I wouldn't kill in self defence. But me I wouldn't shoot him in the kill zone. First shot would be to the groin. After the groin shot I would have had my wife turn her back and cover the kids eyes. Then I would shoot his wrist holding the knife severing it off competely then I would break his elbow on the other arm just for fun. Shoot both knee caps out and see if the shin would stay attached by ligaments. Afterwards I would cut out his tongue, and poke out his eyeballs, then...... walk away knowing that I just made society safer for the rest of us, and this punk is paying the ultimate price of life instead of sucking out $40,000 of hard earned money to keep his sorry but in prison. The best part is was the street was deserted so I got away with it right? Doesn't matter who is president the streets don't get safer just because some dumb a$$ in the white house says he is going to do this or that. Prime example last night across the street from where my brother lives 2 people were killed in their apartmnent last night, it is a nice neighrborhood with absolutely no history of violent crime. Samual L Jackson can be president but do you think your street will get safer if YOU don't do something about it!

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:50 am
by Exodus
Its not what the guy in the White House says hes going to do. It's WHAT he does that worries me!!

And no offense, I got a pretty good idea what our present leader is going to. KILL THE BAD GUYS

Sorry for raising my voice

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:58 am
by comander420
Exodus your right about this statement!

"Its not what the guy in the White House says hes going to do. It's WHAT he does that worries me!!"

Which reminds me to go get some botox shot in my face so I don't look suprised when he blows up the world!

Just so you know, I'm not a liberal. I would have voted for McCain over Gore any day.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:18 am
by Exodus
I never called you a liberal, nor did I imply it. I do respect your concern about going to far in war on terror, but I surely dont want to turn it over to the French and Germans so they can refinance the terrorists who started it in the first place, and with Kerry's record in office, lol, he could be one to do it. And to go a little further, if he does and decides that we can make friends with the terrorists who started this, we all can kiss our sweet a$$es goodbye.

Before you rebuttle, who said they voted for the 87 billion before they voted against it. hmmmmmmmm, could it be,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh I dont know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Kerry!!

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:29 am
by comander420
I have to agree with you on the last one, Kerry sure isn't my favorite. Like I said I wish we could have got McCain in last time, maybe he wouldn't have made so many of the mistakes the current administration has, and I am sure he would be better than Kerry. But this time around after what I have seen going on in the world, the current world opinion of the U.S., and mainly what is currently going on right here at home, I for sure won't be voting for another 4 years of this crap.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 5:00 am
by Cdale_racer_669
we had a congressman visit our school. we got to ask any questions we wanted and he answered them. i learned alot...

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 5:04 am
by Exodus
The first time around I listened to McCain alot and agreed with alot of what he said, but it wasn't to be. Personally, I dont care what the rest of world thinks of us, they'll still buy sell and trade, and when it comes to it, and they're a$$ is in a ringer, we'll be the frist ones they call. You know thats what they'll do, they have before and they will again. This election, Bush has done everything he said he was going to do, right or wrong he has stood by his decisions. I respect that, and I hope you vote your conscience, your opinion is your own, thats what makes this country great. This was a pretty good little debate comander, at least we agree on respectfully disagree.
:usa :head:

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:09 pm
by Jaybr
You guys do realize this thread was a joke?:confused:

I should have known better than to post anything political.