In your thoughts and prayers...

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#21 Post by Happyboy »

Well, kinda bad news. Bobby is going in for surgery tommorrow morning. His back has done better but there is something agrivating one of the main nerves and the pressure will not go down in that area. What that means is that with the slightest movement he gets burning pain down his left leg. So bad that he can't bear it and can hardly move. He has been stuck in the hospital bed for almost 2 weeks now and the recovery from this sugery is supposed to take a long time.

I don't know the details from the surgery but I will be visiting him on Sunday and will find out. He said that they are going to remove a rib and then fuse the 2 vertabrae together. He mentioned them operating from the front, but I can't see how that makes sense. He was pretty drugged up so he may have been confused. Maybe Trauma can speak to that.

Anyone in the Arkansas areas===we are going to have a benifit rodeo in a few weeks for bobby. The doc said that he will be out for about 9 months. I don't know how realistic that is but I know if I were out for 2 months I would be dead financially. Once I get the date set I will post it and hopefully get some visiters.

I will post more when I find out.


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#22 Post by Ryanstones »

oh man,

Hang in there bobby! Time heals all.
I'm praying for you man.

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#23 Post by Happyboy »

Collapsing a lung? ****, this seems so much worse than it did 7 days 10 days ago. I wonder if we can visit him while he is in ICU?

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#24 Post by dalewannbe »

Wish him the best of luck from us all here on the forum....we kinda like one big family!

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#25 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by Happyboy
Well, kinda bad news. Bobby is going in for surgery tommorrow morning. His back has done better but there is something agrivating one of the main nerves and the pressure will not go down in that area. What that means is that with the slightest movement he gets burning pain down his left leg. So bad that he can't bear it and can hardly move. He has been stuck in the hospital bed for almost 2 weeks now and the recovery from this sugery is supposed to take a long time.

I don't know the details from the surgery but I will be visiting him on Sunday and will find out. He said that they are going to remove a rib and then fuse the 2 vertabrae together. He mentioned them operating from the front, but I can't see how that makes sense. He was pretty drugged up so he may have been confused. Maybe Trauma can speak to that.

Anyone in the Arkansas areas===we are going to have a benifit rodeo in a few weeks for bobby. The doc said that he will be out for about 9 months. I don't know how realistic that is but I know if I were out for 2 months I would be dead financially. Once I get the date set I will post it and hopefully get some visiters.

I will post more when I find out.


Happy that's horrible news. But at least he is awake to discuss it with. Keep your spirits up. And he there for him.

Be sure and give us as much notice on the rodeo as possible to people who are somewhat close can attend.

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#26 Post by Happyboy »

Well, quick update.

Bobby is at home now. He went home last Friday. He is still in alot of pain, which is to be expected. But, he can get up and move some but mainly lays in bed or sites in a wheelchair. I think he is just in the wheel chair to make his wife roll him around. He has to wear a brace --turtle shell-- all the time too. That thing sounds very uncomfortable.

We didn't end up having the rodeo. The owner of the track just never got back in touch with me and less than 2 weeks notice to get flyers out and prizes set just really isn't alot of time. I am sure he will do ok, just wanted to do something nice for the guy.

And his quad is still for sale! I am going to talk to him about putting it on ebay soon. It should sell for $2500 on there in the condition it is in. We shall see!

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