Wierd Spider on my Desk

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#21 Post by CptHook »

so whats the latest on the spider? did it give in or die?

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#22 Post by TheJaspMan »

He's still kicken!

He has now spun web around the loose objects in the jar. The cricket is a goner. I have to assume our friend got hungry and needed a weekend meal.

I might let him go today. I think I'm starting to freak out the office girls. I feel the same way about some of their kids pictures! :eek: :drink:

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#23 Post by CptHook »

lmao :rotf
I dont know, I think I would be tempted to do a little experimenting, maybe stick an equally formidale insect in there and see how they coexist, but then again maybe it has had enough torture for the week.

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#24 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by CptHook
lmao :rotf
I dont know, I think I would be tempted to do a little experimenting, maybe stick an equally formidale insect in there and see how they coexist, but then again maybe it has had enough torture for the week.

My boss has a pet tarantula. He wants to take my boy home and give it some feeding lessons.

I'm not sure, he has been a very loyal pet. Easy to maintain and always keeps a clean jar.

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#25 Post by CptHook »

I need some cool spiders like that around here, Ive only seen one type of large spider in my yard and Im not even sure what it was. But I was mowing the lawn, saw one, stopped looked at it saw another one about a foot away from it, and then after further inspecting realized that the whole bush was infested with them, they were about an inch in diameter, so neddless to say I eradicated the whole colony with some insecticide. I later checked the whole yard and found more, I think I counted about 18 total of these suckers, and I believe I found the mother, I only assume this because it was about 1/3 larger than all the rest, which I also eradicated. Other than that all I have seen is your average garden spider and such.

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#26 Post by cannondale27 »

This is a way better thread than the election ones.Cool:cool:

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#27 Post by cannondale27 »

Hey now that he has a web put a fly in there.I bet it goes for that right away.

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#28 Post by CptHook »

Id be willing to bet on that. Man we should start the first underground spider/insect fighting club, and then we can pit bets on which insect will win. Id say start training your spider now jaspman *Cue eye of the tiger music*

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#29 Post by TheJaspMan »

Good idea! Now I just need to find a fly in November! :eek:

This spider doesn't seem real tough. But if you would like, I could send you a ncie jar of some wolf spiders or something like that. They might be creepy enough.

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#30 Post by aroracer72 »

when i was younger.....and was picking up boards to make a tree fort.....i picked up a 2x4 and there was a big wood spider on it.....and i threw the board like 20 feet....lol. I brought it in the house with 2 cups...and my mom said yeah thats a big one(she works at a pet shop).....and said its a good 2.5 inches.........god i hate spiders...eek

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