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Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 8:20 pm
by CptHook
Hey Laptraffic, can u give me a step by step on how you did that paint effect, like on what coat, what color primer. I was thinking of doing the same type of thing with some deletes, I was going to get some and paint them yellow anyways, but now I saw these, thinking maybe a black basecoat and then do that with the yellow, make it mainly yellow with some black showing through.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 8:55 pm
by CdaleRacer0128
remember when this guy couldn't do anything on his own? then he dug in one night and now he's a professional! even running pro-am in a race!!

wow, hat's off to you LAP!!! :usa :head: :head:

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 12:22 am
by CannondaleRider
Well, we went today to watch the pros, and thought "hey, maybe Laptraffic's race is today" so we get there and go to the line and see Doug Eichner and everything, then we see that nice Quadtech hood sticking out of the line. So we knew they made it alright. The race starts and i'm pretty sure Eichner got the holeshot(he's extremely fast, in the first lap it seemed like he was about 30-45 seconds ahead of the Temecula YFZ that was in second)

Me and krash went over to where our friend Jeremy was and see the pros go through, but no sign of Laptraffic, then our friend goes, "Oh yeah, theres a Cannondale at the bottom of the hill over there that wont start" so we go over there, and sure enough, it's just sittin there and a medic told us another quad took him to the pits.I don't think he even got a lap in. So we look for them a little bit with no luck, so we went out and finished watching the race.

After the race ended we went over to see if they got the Dale runnin or anything, when we got over there they were riding it back to the pits. So we went over there and talked to Laptraffic and Ppogue(sp?). Come to find out, he stopped do to a mixture of a blown motor and shock. So yeah, that sucks badly.

Yeah, we didn't find them yesterday because they were pitted at the ONLY place we didn't look

P.S. the rider of the red Cannondale that we saw that we didn't talk to was Ppogue, lol. And Thunderwolf told us that the Dale with the Fullbore plastic is "Moto 7" or something on here.:usa

EDIT: I see that Moto-Rider-7(sp?) has orange fullbore plastic, so maybe that was him at the race.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 5:26 am
by TricityCdale
Well, I can't wait to hear the story, but the WORCS results show that Lap got 10th in Pro Production, with a 13th overall finish. That is pretty **** respectable!! Way to go, Joe!:clap:

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:03 am
by cannondale27
Thats Awesome!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:49 pm
by CannondaleRider
Maybe the race it broke down in wasn't the Pro Production race like I thought:confused: who knows

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:34 pm
by krash
The Pro production class raced on Saturday, but Cannondalerider and I didn't get to see that race, we were mixing concrete for his grandpa. The race he blew his engine was the Pro-Am Main Event on Sunday.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:36 pm
by LapTraffic
well. I was going to do a quicky race report, but ppogue said it has to be a full on thesis about the trip, so it will take awhile. Uploading 12 rolls of film right now...

Had a lot of fun, no broken bones. VERY happy with how the cannondale performs over the YFZ. Ive never been faster.

I'll post it up as soon as it's done.

Krash and CannondaleRider, great meeting you guys! Hope you make it to Havasu and good luck on the desert race!

Was Thunderwolf racing Proproduction on another cdale on saturday? I saw him out there, but I looked after the race and didnt find him to talk to him. The fullbore orange dale is Moto-7, Brandon Ciptak. Super nice guy.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:54 pm
by CannondaleRider
CannondaleRider not Canniboomer, lol.

Hey at least you remembered my name, most people don't

It was nice meeting you guys also:usa

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:43 pm
by LapTraffic

Ok, I changed it in my post so I dont look like a complete retard smile.gif