ATK VR 450 in shootout

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#21 Post by yamadjs08 »

Originally posted by theJeStEr1340
The ATK was fastest in everythign excpet 0-20, where is was beat by.3 seconds.

Yep, ATK was the fastest of them all, and they did a balanced weight thing to show how much weight was in the front and rear and it had the closest to 50/50% balance of them all it was like 200lbs in the front and 203lbs in the rear. If you would have just looked at the numbers and not read the BS articles you would have thought very highly of the ATK...its to bad it is controlled by who has more money into the magazine rolleyes.gif

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#22 Post by aroracer72 »

If you see a factory advertisement in a magazine...that means those companies are paying the magazines for the adds..and ALWAYS means they are paying the magazine a little extra to say "nice things" about their models. If you ever carefully read tests..they always try to make the bad things on jap quads sound good...and bad things on off brand things sound horrible. For example they say the ATK had loads of torque and power...but it was TOO MUCH FOR THEM!!!......ARE THEY DUMB!!!!...all they do is modify is yfz's and 450r's to make them as torquey and powerful as possible..and they LOVE those..but hate ours????......thats a load of crap!!!!!!.....i stopped reading the article after i say the ohlins dale ranked third on the track...jsut couldnt take it.

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#23 Post by Psychosis »

Originally posted by RACER101
I guess there was a lot of:drink: :drink: :drink: going on. rolleyes.gif

That and a little :w: kissing too.

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Speed Test

#24 Post by cannondale27 »

The numbers.Looks like they dont know how to shift either!Still kicked butt coming from behind.

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#25 Post by cannondale27 »

Honda boys read and weep.Yamaha has something to be proud of and with electric start too.Impressive but not enough to sell me one.

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#26 Post by cannondale27 »

I need to get mine on scales also for TT setup.When you check left too right you may find some irregularities on Dale!What are the weight for the 250R?

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#27 Post by CptHook »

Man that is just frusterating to read. Seemed like 75% of the writing on the ATK was mainly just bashing it, with the occasional positive thing which they would some how put a negative twist on like stating about three or four times basically that they fealt that the ATKs Ohlins gave it an unfair advantage, what a bunch of BS. All the good one-of-a-kind things about the ATK they seemed to put off as bad, I guess Ohlins suspension is bad, EFI is bad, quick throttle response is bad, electric start is bad, and FAST is bad. Man, now every annoying little teeneager brat out there that owns a yfz450 or 450r are going to be like "Man your dale sucks compared to my (insert mainstream sport quad), look even ATV Sport thinks so" .*Opens magazine and gets buried under giant pile of bull **** generated by yamaha and honda ads and dies*

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#28 Post by aroracer72 »

Thats what they do....when theres something about the no name quad that is better..they find a way to make it sound bad

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#29 Post by Canniboomer »

Well, WE all know better.... Just yesterday at the dunes, 4 Cannondale ATV's in our group were drawing lots of attention and drools from most comers with banshees, raptors, 450's, whatever they rode up on.. We had one stock, 2 with non-motor goodie mods, and one newly strokered 468 beast. We did our part to enhance the reputation of our brand, and of course kept mentioning ATK.... like the boys at Glamis did these last couple of weeks, but sorry we weren't taking nearly as much "air". Anyway, that's about all we can do, keeping them in top shape and appearance to sustain these dream machines for our fortunate minority. I think of these as the DeLorean's of the ATV world (even the ATK's, since the numbers will be limited in it's current form over time, as our key parts are exhausted). Or like the Studebaker or Hudson? Hey, we have the first American ATV rapidly going going gone into private hands, but no doubt ours will still be running for decades! Those editors really fail to even recognize or care about the unique history of these machines, and what really sets Cannondale and ATK apart from the pack.

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#30 Post by cannondale27 »

If they told the thousands of people they were wrong in spending their hard earned money on a loser they wouldnt sell any more mags!So we just have to show them how wrong they were.

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