Fall Group Ride @ Majestic Trails

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#241 Post by NRath »

QUOTE (dalewannbe @ Oct 2 2007, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so who was the drag racing king?

I think it's pretty fair to say that if all things are equal, Speed1B can get down the track the quickest as they sat. However, if he spun or slept off the start, Timbo would eat his lunch! The two were very close.

I'll have to watch the vids later- no "streaming media" allowed at work! The first time I raced the Kawie, he had a bad start. The second was much closer, but I was able to pull him through 3rd and 4th. Not sure which race the vid is of. My 'dale is bone stock except an HMF- his was too with the baffle removed.

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#242 Post by NRath »

Relating to Jess's post- the rides really are an awesome get together and they get better after each year as you get to see old friends again!

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#243 Post by kdeal »

Some thoughts on the group ride???????.

First, thanks to all of you that came to what was one of the best Group Rides ever! I especially enjoyed meeting some of you ???????old timers??????? again. This was the 4th year at Majestic Trails for Thunder in the Mountains and the weather was awesome! When I took a break and just listened to the roar of the Cannondales in the area it was a sweet sound.

Joe (TJ USA) & the Majestic Trails crew: You guys rock & put on an awesome ride and are to be commended for all your efforts! The new trails were great and the place never disappoints us. Thanks again.

Door Prize Donations: Several members / vendors donated items for the door prize give-aways and I want to thank you for your generosity. Brad @ Black Widow, Caniboomer, Timbo, Steve (Cannondale27) & a local shop (Joe, help me out on the name here) all donated items for prizes. PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR SPONSERS as they all help to keep this going.

To the gang:

The majority of you guys are like family to me, and I wouldn????????t miss these rides for the world. Some of the new guys are stepping up to the plate and are not missing a beat. I loved meeting Blasterboy, Ciscorc, Frog and all the friends and family of the Cannondale family. Since our last Thunder in the Mountain ride we have a new member to the Cannondale family, Hazmatt & his girlfriend brought their new baby boy Zachary. He was such a good baby and it????????s glad to see you didn????????t let that stop you from making the trip. Randy B: It was great finally getting the chance to meet you. Don????????t be a stranger!

Some personal notes:

Jess: I don????????t get to ride much, but what little I do I enjoy immensely. You just didn????????t see me ride much previously. I ride mostly by myself and with my brother (you guys are just too fast for me!).
Ron: You are my Monkey Ruler! Thanks for coming and bringing Randy. Now let????????s get started on the 12-hour bike!
Neil: It was a pleasure to meet up with you again. You are what symbolizes a true sportsman, thanks for coming!
Rich & Family: You guys are becoming like family and I enjoy meeting up with you guys whenever we can. Tell your wife she looks great (she lost 40 pounds!). Brandon and Briana are the best!
Ross: Thanks again for your help and friendship!
Steve, John & Mike: You guys are the best and thanks for making the long trip again. John, next time bring the N2O bike!
Brady: Awesome bikes and it was great to meet you and your girlfriend.
CannibalJim: It was a pleasure to meet up again. I am sure we will meet up again at Kevin????????s.
Jason, Harold, Lee, Tom: You guys rock! Its guys like you that make these rides unique. (Hey Tom, did you notice I parked behind the tree this time?) LOL
Timbo & Mark: You guys are the power makers! Without you two and Big John we wouldn????????t still be going after all this time. Thanks for the HP!

Lastly, a shout out to my riding partner and brother Robert. Without him I would never be able to get packed and down the road in one piece. He is my soul brother.

Thanks to everyone that showed up and made this happen. I love you all like family (except you Derno???????LOL), and enjoy the time we have together more than anything.

Keep your feet on the pegs and your front end aimed straight???????


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#244 Post by quadracer500 »

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#245 Post by DMAC10 »

Well of course when I didn't make it, there was good weather and big turn out. biggrin.gif

But maybe next time.

Glad to see and hear that everyone had a good time.

But the good thing is my dale is prepped, clean and shiny. But its still sitting in the garage waiting to be riden. Got to find the time.

Thanks for all the good post and pictures. smile.gif

The Cannondale community may be small, but I don't think you'll find a better bunch of people anywhere. I'm glad to be a part of it even if I didn't make the ride.

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#246 Post by Blasterboy11 »

hey quadracer500, nice vid, and to KDeal, i loved meeting all you guys too! I had a great time and im counting the days till the next one on one groovey cannondale calender =) !!!

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#247 Post by wistech »

Nice vid . You wouldnt happen to have one of me doing tricks on the last lap would you? I knew my time wasnt going to be good so I decided to go for flair points .LOL

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#248 Post by Blasterboy11 »

Was that you doin the point-backs and stuff? lol.

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#249 Post by Derno24 »

Ken and everyone else I know Randy doesn't get on the internet much, but he said he had a blast and wanted to thank everyone there for their hospitality. He was telling me on the ride home that he has never been on a ride like this, but said he is hooked and can't wait till the next one. I know we are both excited about this years 12hr race and are trying to decide on the single quad or multiple quad formula. Thanks Kdeal for everything!!!!

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#250 Post by raboffroad »


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