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Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:44 pm
by jesshamner
I'm with you happy. I can't stand when people get on there and act like 12 y/o kids.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:54 pm
by jacobw
I agree the thread should have been named vote for QOM then they wouldnt think we are forcing people to vote for ****** machine maybe you can edit the post to reflect that. The thing is I knew that something was going to surface like this as soon as something other than honda, yamaha, or suzuki, or kawasaki. Maybe I should get my brother to post his new atk he bought that was Jeff Stoesses last years racer. That is one sharp machine. Oh well what is done is done no use fretting about it.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:49 pm
by Psychosis
I think this should be posted over there in route to all of them. biggrin.gif

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:16 pm
by cdalemx301
LOL that was one of the best quotes i have ever heard...that is hilarous

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:35 am
by JST

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:39 am
by 4punksdad
exactly why I quit being a moderator at exriders. the folks over there just don't get it.

and for the record jess...............I was about the 25th registered member at EXriders when Leo started the site........and I was their very first moderator. When Leo sold it to Ben it started to go to hel and it has continued to go downhill ever since. I am suprised any of the good members still post there. I seldom go there at all any more.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:47 am
by jesshamner
Originally posted by 4punksdad
exactly why I quit being a moderator at exriders. the folks over there just don't get it.

and for the record jess...............I was about the 25th registered member at EXriders when Leo started the site........and I was their very first moderator. When Leo sold it to Ben it started to go to hel and it has continued to go downhill ever since. I am suprised any of the good members still post there. I seldom go there at all any more.

I'm not sure why that was directed at me. I knew that you had been there a long time and I can remember you being a mod when I first registered over there. It didn't seem like we needed boots over there back then...well not too often anyway. Now its deep! A lot of good members have left or stop posting all that much. Pappy just recently slowed down. These know it all kids are pushing away all the people with good knowledge and experience. I might be guilty of this in some cases.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:56 am
by 4punksdad
Originally posted by jesshamner
Who was already a member there before this thread came up?  

this post of yours is why it was directed at you

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:34 am
by CptHook
WOW is all I have to

I just read that whole thread over at atvriders from top to bottom and I am just dumbfounded. To read some of the incompitent dribble that manages to escape peoples' mouths over there is unbelievable. It reminds me of arguing with a stubborn five year old, logic just does not come into play, especially Tommy 17, is that guy for real? I dont think Ive ever seen an adult (if he is one) be so childish and unreasonable about something, if you just look at the facts it makes sense.

Heres how it plays out for me, I had been a member there for a while, I cant really remember why I joined there in the first place, but I was a member, I never really posted, just browsed and such. I never even knew there was a QOTM over there before this thread was posted here, shouldnt they be happy that more traffic is being brought to thier site, and more importantly TO THIER SITE SPONSORS i.e. Blingstar? Now on to ******. I will be upfront and honest, I do not think it is the best LOOKING quad there, but this competition isn't just about looks. My main reasons for voting were these. ****** has spent alot of time and money on this quad if we look back on it when he originally posted it almost 2 years ago here. His is the most unique there. The better LOOKING quads there are obviously were helped graciously by sponsors, ****** has no sponsors, only the time and money out of his own pocket.

I wont lie, I am slightly biased (not "biast" for crying out loud people, your adults, learn how to spell) I own a cannondale, so therefor I am going to have a slightly better opinion of the dale over the others, but thats human nature for crying out loud, I defy anyone to argue that they wont have a tendency to want to vote for a quad they own. I love how some of the more immature people over there arguing (while still trying to sound like they are half intelligent) use the fact that "the cannondale isn't popular, or common, so why should they win?" as leverage for thier argument..

I guess people that own exotic and rare sports cars are stupid for thinking thier car would win some kind of contest because thier car isnt "common". With that kind of logic we would go to car shows and see nothing but riced out Honda Civics on the podium, but that just isnt the case. The vehicles that you will see on the podium are the ones that are unique, and people have put real blood, sweat, and tears into to make them thier own, and something to be proud of, not just another fish in the sea.

I am still debating on whether to post this over there or not, it just seems like any logic spoken over there is just going to be thrown out the window anyways :confused:

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:41 am
by jesshamner
Originally posted by 4punksdad
this post of yours is why it was directed at you

Ok...thats what I thought. But thats why I posted the rest of my last post. I know that you have been a member for a long time. I was just wondering who registered just to vote so we could give TheFontMaster a fair amount of votes to take off since that is the final outcome.

CptHook, I would just leave it alone. It seems as though the complainers dropped out anyway.