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Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 2:25 am
by Happyboy
Originally posted by RACER101
I can't help it. I have no faith in any one on this site. The one minute you disagree with some one about anything on this site you get 20 people bashing you.

Its not disagreeing about something that gets people riled up. Its the way people do it. You can't just say that you are having a problem with the dale or that you just are giving up on them. You have to go out of your way to make them sound like junk and tell everyone that. Telling people don't buy them becuase they will blow up does tend to get people that are proud of them mad.

I don't know you personally but at one point I thought you were a pretty good guy. Had a good rep and all. But now why are you and Dirt bailing and picking fights? I get ******. He thinks these things are gold and that WE give them a bad wrap. He just got sick of the attitudes as well. But why have you guys swung so hard to the other extreme? I can understand being mad if you spent tons of money on something just to have it break but from your posts, your quad still runs good.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 2:47 am
by Happyboy
My bad.....

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 2:00 pm
by Happyboy
You are right about the quad should have lasted longer.....

How do you know the crank locked up? Only reason I ask is its strange that you tore it down and installed the stage8 and then it failed without an hour? Maybe something got hoked up during the stage8 install?

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:31 pm
by wistech
What year was the quad? Was it and updated crank?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 9:17 pm
by USAMoto00
Man! Farrar and myself went to Beans Bike Park on Sat. and rode from 11 am to roughly 6 pm non-stop. We filled up and drank some beverages(non-alchoholic) in between sessions of course, but man was it a blast! Then we had a big group meet at Thunder Valley on Sunday where we rode from 12:30 to 6 pm once again. We had 5 Cannondales there and not a problem till the end of the day when the rookie burnt out his clutch on his. Not bad considering it was in the quad for almost 4 years. Michelle, Jason, Scott, and myself had not a single issue and had fun passing anything that ventured out onto the track with us. It was an awesome weekend of fun filled riding that was basically trouble free. I'll bet I put an easy 10 hours on my quad of pure full throttle beating. Did I post this in the right thread? lol Follow no one and lead by example.:usa

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 10:11 pm
by Happyboy

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 3:03 am
by USAMoto00
No pictures at all. I was too busy riding as was everyone else.:usa Did I mention that we rode the snot out of these things all day? Ski jumps, step-up's, 10 packs, mogul's, you name it, we did it with no mechanical failures.:clap: :deal:

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 3:39 am
by azcannon
I belong to a couple of other forums where trash talking and name calling, flaming and everything goes on.... its expected , I only hope this forum doesnt become like that .
I have talked to a lot of people on this site and purchased stuff , asked for help and even upset some from time to time but many people like ****** and cannondale 27, wistech , haydug the list goes on and on ,jaybr .... you get the idea, they are all adults and act like them and have been invaluable for cannondale owners who were between a rock and closed manufacturer (who had nothing to offer).
I sure wish folks would give the proper respect and treat them properly instead of trying to turn this site into one of the other little kid forums where people spend all there time trying to be cool and witty. I am not impressed as of lately from some. If your not here to learn/contribute/ or at least
listen and your only purpose is to make people uncomfortable and angry then lets get these bad people banned/booted or yanked why hasn't this happened yet ? I think at least we should have some type of warning system , 3 incidents and your gone .
No doubt we are emotional owners and have bad days - but lately I see all this dirt being slung for no reason other than pride and for the life of me I can't figure out why it gets put up with.
I am a technician/builder and I get regular training and schooling in new systems and technologies for me this is another skill and I also get teh bonus of meeting and talking to the instructors from time to time lets stop pissing them off the alternative is really smart people who have helped dozens of others most of the time for free - not coming here much anymore because of the rediculous static they get bombarded with among other things .
Obviously I saw something I didn't like so I wrote this post but I wont get into any bashing or name calling it just makes the problem worse.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 9:09 am
by mxer450
Originally posted by ******
1. I don't think these are gold. Everything has thier problems.
2. Attitude is not why I don't post as much.
3. Sorry to say this Loneracer, but you have the classic New Jersey attitude.
4. the only reson I keep my dale and ATK is nothing I have riden yet can give me the feeeling i get form my quads I rode a 250R formaly owned by denton this weekend and a built up Z400 and a vforce. I jumped right back on my dale and ATK and there is NOTHING out there that has the feeling my quads give me.

what is that classic nj attitude your talking about???

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 2:30 pm
by Happyboy
Originally posted by DIRT
Shes locked up solid with no hint of turning over.At the RPM it locked up if a circlip or one of those tabs did come loose it would have just been eaten up in the motor.It was at high RPM then just locked up without a sound.

Well, if you installed the stage 8 then you took out the clutch. To do that then you must have removed the timing chain tensor bolt and you prob took out the timeing chain just to get it out of the way. Anyone one of those little bolts could have fallen out and gotton stuck in the timing chain and caused a lockup. No telling.***** Not saying it isn't the crank. But with all of this being messed with and then the motor locking up within an hour I would lean towards a different failure than the crank. Easy way to find out is look at your oil filter. If the crank seized then you will have metal in that filter. If there is no metal then it could just be a bolt in the timing chain or something.