Broken collarbone

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#31 Post by TraumaRN »

Originally posted by ******
Yep my dale bit me at 4th gear pinned:eek:  t5 and t7 vertebrae fractured t6 completely crushed, 7 ribs fractured, and my cheek was fractured too:eek:

Holy crap!sad.gif
You have the pre-surgical xrays?

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#32 Post by jwheat »

Broke my left collar bone in highschool playing football...took about 4-5 weeks to heal. Broke my right collar bone, dislocated my right shoulder, and had an AC seperation on the right shoulder about 6 years ago on a MX track. Took about 9 weeks to heal. Didn't have either side pinned.

But I do have plenty of metal holding my pelvis together! I could give ****** and his metal detectors fits!biggrin.gif

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#33 Post by banzairx7 »

The lump on my shoulder from where I broke mine has gone down with time. At first I had this insane bump. Now it's almost not noticable- this is ~5yrs later. My shoulder does droop a little bit though.

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#34 Post by BM426Racer »

TraumaRN, im gonna go with Lumpy, as it matches my head:D Owell, rode yesterday, hit some jumps and such now im sore and it sucks see what happens. That is some nice hardware ****** that had to suck out loud.

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#35 Post by cheetah5431 »

I just had surgery on mine and had it plated. I'm about 7 weeks after surgery and the doc told me earlier this week he didn't want me riding for 6 more months.

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