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Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:02 pm
by CptHook
oh yeah psychosis, which Masters kit did you get? They have like 4 or 5 different wood types dont they?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:15 pm
by hnnblehscnnble
i play the guitar, and bass.

guitar is a fender tom delonge strat mexican...all it is is a strat with a seymor duncan humbucker and an american highway one strat and i dont have a stack for it

my bass is a fender p bass mexican with seymor duncan pick up and i have an ampeg 350w b2r head and a ampeg prhlf410 cab.sounds amazing:) i play in a band called my farewell check us out.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:24 pm
by Psychosis
Originally posted by CptHook
oh yeah psychosis, which Masters kit did you get? They have like 4 or 5 different wood types dont they?

I ended up paying the extra couple hundred and changed my order to a Masterworks custom Carbonply Maple. It has carbon fiber inner/outer w/6-ply maple core shells. It's basically the same as the Masters BRX but w/carbon fiber added in. Just play on or listen to a set w/cf in the shells and you'll never want to listen to standard maple, birch, mahogany, etc again. I got it pretty cheap compared to what the list is but still nowhere near considering it cheap.

22x18 bass drums to give you an example what I went with.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:42 pm
by CptHook
Holy **** son, you spent some $$$ :wow You better be planning on doing some gigging or recording with that or you a **** fool tongue.gif I wanna see pics when you get it set up! Im going to try and dig up some pics of my kit that I took a couple months back and post em up here tonight. Which speaking of Im off to a latenight jam session, 11:00pm- wee hours of the morn :head:

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:57 pm
since Cpt. keeps asking for pics from people.. Ill post a pic of my black roswell. Best playing guitar ever made i.m.o.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:02 am
Here is my old Jackson custom shop roswell. I had to sell it about 5 years ago, along with both of my stacks to pay bills. I used to also have a full Peavey 5150 stack for shows. Then for backup, and practice/studio stuff I used a Randall warhead head, a 4x12 5150 cab, and a randall 2x15 warhead sub cab. That combo with the sub kicked some major booooty!! Thats the only thing I wish I could of kept was a full stack. Now Im just down to my black roswell, and a little practice amp. No use for anything else though.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:02 am
forgot the pic..

You can see my old Ibanez, and Jackson King V, and part of one of my stacks in the background also.. **** do bills suck! :mad:

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:27 am
by Psychosis
Originally posted by CptHook
Holy **** son, you spent some $$$ :wow  You better be planning on doing some gigging or recording with that or you a **** fool tongue.gif  I wanna see pics when you get it set up! Im going to try and dig up some pics of my kit that I took a couple months back and post em up here tonight. Which speaking of Im off to a latenight jam session, 11:00pm- wee hours of the morn  :head:

Thanks. Luckily I didn't have to pay everything which is why I went w/the cf kit. I have a birthday coming up and my family likes to help out on things like that. I've ordered the set in wine red but I'm wondering if they'll send me it that way. I've never seen a picture or heard of any except in black for that style.

I'm talking w/joining a metalish style band too as of yesterday that's local. I started out in metal then went down to lighter stuff recently. The band I'm in currently is booked for a couple shows starting in October though in the area. We just need to find a new bassist! We've went through 3 so far. (Shows were setup before last bassist left.)

Anyways: I'll set up some pics but they won't be here for a few weeks. I'm working on getting a website set up too w/audio but may take a little while.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:14 pm
by CptHook
haha, Im not trying to twist anyones arms here for some pics lol, I just figured noone has any problems posting pics of thier quads so why be hesitant for musical equip? :drink:

Anyways, those are some sweet looking guitars man. Did you come up with the design? Did alot of gigging or anything of the like?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:29 pm
I didnt design it. Jackson made a short run of them in the late 90's. They made super rare aluminum ones, that went for about 4 grand, and there were only something like 97 made. The black one of mine is the japanese made model, but still, there were only like 300 of them made, and mine was #2 in 1996. Those were only made till 98 I think it was.. 100 per year if memory serves. You can still order them from the custom shop (at least last time I checked), and thats what my other one was. I should of probably kept that one, but I liked my black one better.

I used to gig a lot,.. at least for doing it part time in a metal band. We would do 1-3 shows per week, and for living in Central Kansas, that was a lot. At one time, one of my bands was the 2nd most booked in Kansas, only behind a country cover band.. but what do you expect out here??? hahaha. We pretty much relied on "shock" value, and got decent crowds that way. Once people heard about our stage show, and the make-up and self mutilation they would show up just to see us freaks.... It was fun, and since I moved down to SW KS, there isnt any use in trying to start another band down here.... we would have to drive 4 hours to do a show.

Here is a pic of me when we were doing the makeup thing... :eek: hahahah.. It was a lot of fun showing up at a partial country bar and chugging out Drop D tuned riffs for people in over-alls and cowboy hats. It was kinda like that scene in the blues brother.. most of the time the crowd liked us when we were done cause we worked our ***** off on stage.