Can I Vent For A Minute!!!!

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#31 Post by Derno24 »

I'm with you Pappy Road trip anyone...It kills me that I spent a week getting the 2nd degree from the cops and parking authority and this ahole will probably get a slap on the wrist.

Oh yeah during my original discussion with the cop that was accusing me of a false report. He states how does an atv cost $9,500 dollars when I can get that machine for like $2,000. Real intellegent people. I asked him if he looked at the machine.

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#32 Post by 4punksdad »

Originally posted by Derno24
I'm with you Pappy Road trip anyone...It kills me that I spent a week getting the 2nd degree from the cops and parking authority and this ahole will probably get a slap on the wrist.

Oh yeah during my original discussion with the cop that was accusing me of a false report.  He states how does an atv cost $9,500 dollars when I can get that machine for like $2,000.  Real intellegent people.  I asked him if he looked at the machine.

that would be like asking stevie wonder if he saw the difference. ohmy.gif

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#33 Post by Derno24 »

True, but even my wife realizes how much money is in that quad even though I never let her know prices.

They make those **** Elka's too pretty...

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#34 Post by cdale127 »

normally i have respect for the law.....after my kids honda 50 was neatly removed from my garage 3 days after i bought it...the officer made my wife feel real comfortable about our chances of finding it. 2 days after that i saw him at the store...he said"what mini bike":rolleyes: jackass

i recently insured my newest 400...i explained that i had around 10k in it....the insurance company would only do retail replacement cost on a stock 400ex. so now im looking into getting a special policy to cover the **** thing:mad: i swear im gonna sell all this pretty stuff and ride some beat POS:(

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#35 Post by 4punksdad »

I am going to keep my law enforcement comments to myself............CBRslider gets PO'ed when I vent biggrin.gif
I can't blame him.........its difficult for folks not to generalize their experiences with a few bad cops and point their negativity towards all cops. I have had cops help me, and had cops who went out of their way to screw with me................This battle will rage on as long as we ride off road vehicles.

cops have a general dislike for dirt bike guys and we as atv guys are seen in the same light by them. this is like a modern day game of cowboys and indians for them. I think they just get pissed that they are working on a Sunday when they see me ride past having a great time. Thats when I hear the siren and see the blue lights. Thats also when they see the dust cloud grow larger.

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#36 Post by cdale127 »

run from the law:eek: i would never do that:p

CBrslider is cool and i bet he knows more peckerhead cops then we do...lmfao:D

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#37 Post by jcv440 »

No, Ray's a prick too! :eek: He knows his fair share of SOB cops though. He works with a handfull of them everyday.

I'm up for a road trip. Just shoot me a PM and I'll be down! wink.gif

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#38 Post by justfine »

One time on exriiders I made a comment about not liking cops, and I got smoked by are you guys getting away with it?????

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#39 Post by LapTraffic »

We're old and wise?

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Re: wow.......

#40 Post by 4punksdad »

Originally posted by justfine
One time on exriiders I made a comment about not liking cops, and I got smoked by are you guys getting away with it?????

we are speaking about it bashing and flaming. I am not suggesting you bashed and flamed at exriders............but the crowd over there sure knows how to pour fuel on a fire.

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