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Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 4:28 pm
by 440EX4ME
**** that new Linc stadium is nice, but nothing like the ole bunch of rubble they turned the old one into.

Nice you get paid to be hanging around a playoff game checking out the cheerleaders butts biggrin.gif

How you guys watching so much ball when you are supposed to be riding, am I the only one not into it as much as before quads?



Freedom of speach my arse!!

What did Rush do that was so wrong in the first place?

I am in no way am approving of being a racist, and I dont believe Rush is one, but dont we have a right to prefer chocalate or vanilia? Is it a crime to speak what you see or think? Not defending Rush here at all (dont agree with much of his ideas anyhow) but pain killers or not I think that whole thing was used for its shock value and didnt have any substance.

Where in the constitution does it say you can not have an opinion unless it is the popular or accepted one etc.

Is there any difference between saying an elderly person may have problems driving (due to how our eye sight changes with age) or a asain person would be at a disadvantage in basket ball (due to the average height of people from this area of the world) or etc etc. (examples only, and I shouldnt have to say so)

Just random examples that came to mind and not my actual opinions etc above, so dont get on me about any of them etc, but the point is why is everyone so **** oversensitive. We are WTF we are, and if some one makes a statement we dont like oh well screw em, and even if they are a complete racist for what ever reason to what ever group is this a crime? Sure its not right and theres all kinds of problems with it, but just the very premise that we all have to love everything about everyone is insane, if we do great if not well thats fine too.

Remember most racism is based on ignorance and fear and to scare people into acting like they prefer things they dont is ignorant. Get it?

Are we all the same? Should we pretend we dont have differences so we appear tolerant of each other? Should we be forced to look at each other as being so different we have to be carefull of our choice of words?

Cant we just accept each individual for who they are and not what they are? Cant we approve or disaprove of each person, can we not have an opinion?

A very knowledgable older businessman (wealth beyond belief) had once told me that "politicaly correct" has nothing to do with politics or being correct but everything to do with controll. In his beliefs this is a large scale attempt to condition the average citizen to being controlled in their thoughts and speach, so that at some later time there will be no struggle when we become " a country of the govt for the govt".

I found this gentleman and his ideas very interesting and theres a long story behind it too. Yes I wont get into it here I know this is too long allready.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 6:11 pm
by Derno24
You were in the air vent? I just have an image in my mind of you behind the grate going, "Come on guys let me out enough is enough."


Can't wait to see the pics.

Lenny: You write some long *** posts. Do you know what you are going to write before you start or does it just come out as you are typing?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 12:16 am
by 440EX4ME

Its kind of both, but the good stuff just pops into my head smile.gif

I think the fact that I type really fast makes it seem much worse than it is. One of the benefits of a catholic school forcing you to learn things you will never use LOL.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 12:46 am
by pdavis
let me chime in here, First Chris Collingworth is a complete tool and a moron, likes to hear himself talk
limbaugh is a wind bag tht also likes to hear himself talk and loves the attention he gets, were his coments validated, NO if you dont like the eagle QB for his playing skills, dont sit there and say the media hypes the guy cuz he is black, should he have gotten fired? he** yeah he should have, i dont hear any comments about the media hyping Dan Marino cuz he was white, Marino never won a super bowl, and what gets me, he said this on a show that has 2 black guys on it (Micheal Irvin, Tom Jackson) and they didnt do/ say jack,
just my .02

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 12:55 am
by Derno24
Originally posted by pdavis
let me chime in here, First Chris Collingworth is a complete tool and a moron, likes to hear himself talk
limbaugh is a wind bag tht also likes to hear himself talk and loves the attention he gets, were his coments validated, NO if you dont like the eagle QB for his playing skills, dont sit there and say the media hypes the guy cuz he is black, should he have gotten fired? he** yeah he should have, i dont hear any comments about the media hyping Dan Marino cuz he was white, Marino never won a super bowl, and what gets me, he said this on a show that has 2 black guys on it (Micheal Irvin, Tom Jackson) and they didnt do/ say jack,
just my .02

One small correction he was never fired he quit before he had to face the music. He took the cowards way out. Nothing what he said is validated though I agree. He never should have said race. If he left it as McNabb is over-rated I would have to agree. McNabb has good game's, but is not an elite quarterback. he is way too streaky. throws out some good game and then some real stinkers. Look at this past weekends game.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:02 am
by Derno24
Originally posted by ******
Here's me on the west front of the Capitol where I pick on tourists

You pick off tourists? j/k Cool pics. How does it feel holding that weapon?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:02 am
by pdavis
****** with a G36
thats scary :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:49 am
by thomez
That is a fine looking gun - I always wanted to be one of the rooftop snipers at the White House, what a job. :head:

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:51 am
by Derno24
******: What branch/department of the government do you work for? I ask because we have a friend that works for the Secret Service. Just curious if you might know him. His name is Jesse Robinson.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:21 am
by thomez
They wouldn't give me that job I'd be selective as to who is worth protecting!!! :rotf