Cool Pics I found on the net

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#31 Post by thomez »

You guys are WAYYYY too worried about these stupid fenders! Indian had a what, 100 year motorcycle company? Of course the original bike was worth something. Cannondale had a failure for 4 years! This isn't a Yenko Camaro or a original Superman comic book here! Besides, the Cannondale plastic design was far from practical with all of those tophats. Sure, I'd give 100 bucks for them, I mean the fenders! OK, maybe 200, but none for than actual Cannondale silver than I can USE!

Stop wasting your finger life on these things.

Nickg, you seem like a cool enough guy to me. I see your points, don't let these guys get to you. I think they are the sensitive ones. I'd be riding with that plastic on there any time I wanted, you do OWN it!

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#32 Post by Happyboy »

shut up college boy! tongue.gif

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thanks for your input thomez

#33 Post by Ryanstones »

I don't know ANYONE who has wasted more 'fingerlife' on cannondale dreams than you.


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#34 Post by cannondale27 »

Thomez if I want to chip in $50 to see the best looking set of fenders I have ever seen saved and possibly reproduced I will.I have wasted my money on crazier things.Lighten up!

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#35 Post by cannondale27 »

Yes mr powdercoat A-arms for a non running quad:D

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#36 Post by Idahocannibal »

I'd put 50 on it.

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#37 Post by USAMoto00 »

If I had a quad that sat in pieces all the time....I guess I'd use any fenders that I could get my hands on too.

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#38 Post by Ryanstones »

ooooohhhhh, Buurrrrrnnnnnn!

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#39 Post by cannondale27 »

One more. I have a silverset of stock fronts I will sell for $200 seems like alot for stock fronts but if Thomez wants em they are his for $200. Point is even Thomez is willing to pay "extra" for the prototypes obviously not over $1000 but only reason not is he cant afford it.Neither can I.It is that simple.

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#40 Post by thomez »

I don't think I have ever had trouble coming up with plastic to put on it to take a picture or maybe ride it once or twice before it breaks again.

I don't think I'm desperate for anything in the Cannondale world, but I do know of someone who called me a few weeks ago asking where he could find some parts he wanted! :w:

I could afford anything I want, the only question is how bad I want it, or what it is worth to me. Those fenders aren't worth it. I have silver already and like I said, Cannondale plastic is not practical, its a major pain, and I'll have R plastic on my quad the next time I ride it. Walsh realized this a few years ago, obviously, and came up with the solution.

Collect the plastic you want, but to me it is not practical.

Saying I have no money isn't the solution, because it is obviously false. I just have different ideas of how to spend it, not on plastic to collect dust.

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