OT: Are you a Democrat, Republican or Southern Republican?

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#31 Post by cannondale27 »

Ya that'll teach ya Mr.Snake killer!LOL.

How is that knee?Getting better?

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#32 Post by thomez »

Originally posted by Jaybr
I should have known better than to post anything political.

I did. I must be getting older and possibly wiser. :w:

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#33 Post by kdeal »

Originally posted by thomez
I did. I must be getting older and possibly wiser. :w:


Did you mean older and possibly wider?

tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif


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#34 Post by thomez »


No, no need for the possibility in that statement, it is a "for sure" :eek:

Remind me to go to the gym :drink:

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#35 Post by Exodus »

Sorry I got carried away. I know it was a joke and a very good one. If you put it on here a year from now, you'd get some laughs and that would be that. lol, I didnt mean to get any hairs up when I posted my reply, oh well, all in good fun.

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#36 Post by Ryanstones »

Originally posted by Exodus
clip...This election, Bush has done everything he said he was going to do, right or wrong he has stood by his decisions.  

I'm sorry to keep this going, but i have to respectfully disagree.

The president has done almost NOTHING he said he was going to do.

He said he would stimulate the economy, with tax cuts, to produce good jobs. Well, net loss of jobs is the worst of any presidential term since the depression. Growth employers avg. pay and benefits of 30k, disappearing employers paid $53k.
Winner: The top 5% of the wealthiest americans. Loser: everybody else

He said he would make healthcare more affordable for all and protect seniors. um, no...More people without health insurance than ever before. Fake prescription drug plan will cost 800billion, with no real savings to seniors, prohibits cheap drug imports from canada and prohibits medicare from negotiating for bulk discounts with the drug companies.
Winner: Big Pharmacy Loser: everybody else

He promised to protect workers, yet he removed hard won worker protections for the benefit of corporations. Anybody here get promoted to 'supervisor' and lose your overtime yet? You will and george allowed it.

He promised in 1999 to protect the environment. Yet he gutted the Clean air act and allowed industry to dump increased amounts of Mercury and other chemicals in out waters. Tip of the iceberg there folks. I'm no envirowacko, obviously, but we all gotta breath and drink.

GWB said he would end the corporate corruption and scandal of the late '90s.
Instead we got ENRON, WorldCom, Tyco and many more. The leaders of those companies were GWB's BIGGEST campaign contributors. Winner: Big $$$
Loser: tens of thousands of shareholders, and employees. many who lost everything they had worked a lifetime to save.

bush said he would ensure a good education for all children with "no child left behind". Ask any teacher what HAVOC has resulted from this UNFUNDED MANDATE.(I thought Republicans hated those) The legislatures of Utah, virginia and other states have filed formal protests of the hardship caused by this act. Winner:nobody but bush Loser:children and teachers and parents

GWB said he would get Osama bin Laden, "NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES" 3 years later and i guess george got distracted, and though we have thousands of american patriots in Afghanistan, Outside of the capital the country is again ruled by warlords and a resurgent taliban.

He said he'd protect us from the axis of evil; N. Korea, Iran and Iraq. Well, 1 out of 3 aint bad but WHY are we withdrawing troops from Korea when they have an acknowledged ACTIVE nuclear program?Iraq is probably a good staging ground for a run at Iran. Are you ready to see your children drafted into Bush's war?

George Bush said we would find WMD in Iraq. He had PROOF. Then he said Iraq was aiding Al Quaida. The bipartisan 911 commission said that was 100% false. Now he says it was a humanitarian effort to liberate the people. Clinton would have been assassinated for that BS. Do you realized that thousands are dying daily in the Sudan, of starvation and genocide? We really oughta liberate those people, don't ya think?

George W. Bush said he would not be a NATION BUILDER, Yet, here we are pouring a borrowed, 132BILLION$ to date, into creating a democratic iraq. How many ports, powerplants, railways could have been protected at home with that? How many roads, bridges built? How many workers retrained?
Winner:the military industrial BIG $$$
Loser: 1,000 dead soldiers and there families, 4,000 injured. 19,000 Iraqi's, 13000 which were civilians.

George Bush said he was a conservative. Yet he has presided over the most rapid increase in public debt in HISTORY. WITH a replublican controlled CONGRESS! You can call the dems 'tax and spenders', but that is much more conservative than BORROW and spenders. I hope ya'll don't have Adjustable Rate mortgages, cause we gonna pay this piper sooner or later.

Alright, i got carried away, but i assure you that these examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Somebody said earlier, it's not what they say, it's what they do to worry about. Yep, and if you aren't outraged by this administation, you aint payin attention!

I don't hate George Bush, but the more i think about what he has done and is doing, the more i think HE hates america. After 9/11 he had the opportunity to UNITE america and the world. He squandered it all away on the ideology of fear and favoritism. What a disappointment.

If you want to base your vote on the dividing lines of abortion, gay marriage and prayer in schools, or because BUSH is a 'godly man', then prepare to reap what you sow. America can't take another 4 years trudge down this path to he77.

Is my family safer than 4 years ago? NO
Is my family better off than 4 years ago? uh..well, yes it is, oops
Is america stronger? NO

This time I'll take the alternate choice, A man who, VOLUNTEERED to go to war for his country, and hope for the best.

I keep hearing people say "right or wrong, he sticks by his decisions" I say, when i make a misjudgement or decision, I am willing to change to correct it. Guess, i'm a flip flopper. I see no sign that this administration can see beyond there own narrow interests.

vote your conscience, but be informed, not led by repetitive disinformation.

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#37 Post by Jaybr »

You just had to go there didn't ya Stones:eek:

I for one am not outraged by this administration, and I do pay attention.

I think you may be the one led by repetitive disinformation, you've been listening to Jane Fonda again haven't you?

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was waiting for you Jay

#38 Post by Ryanstones »

I'm happy to defend any of my assertions Jay. I didn't make that stuff up did i? It has all happened.

It Killed me a few weeks ago, when Bush mispoke. They had the video of him on the news where he said "the enemies never stops thinking of ways to harm america ..pause.. and neither do we"

I guess it's easy to misspeak when you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.:eek:

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#39 Post by wanablaze »

Jay, it's just a joke, remember. Just kidding please don't ban me! I'm with commander. I vote for whom I want. If ya'll don't relax, I'm gonna hire ****** and his frozen arvin to go in swingin'! tongue.gif

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#40 Post by Jaybr »

No banning here, I too vote for who I want. I am not registered with either party, I have just never met or seen a democrat nominee I like or trust:(

And Bush speaks out of both sides of his mouth? Kerry changes his stance on issues about once a week.

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