Finally pulled the trigger!

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#31 Post by Exodus »

Congrats on the bike. You'll like it, they're fast. And where else can you find a brotherhood like this. Well, except for Thomez,,,, LOL just jokin with ya man.

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#32 Post by TraumaRN »

I modeled my new ATV gear for my wife and kids yesterday. helmet, goggles, jersey, pants (thanx Thomez), Boots, gloves. She said I look skinny:rolleyes:
My youngest (2 yr old) kept telling me to take the helmet off. "No hemmet daaaeee!" But my 4 y/o loved it. Trying to talk the old lady into getting a 2 seat 150cc buggy for them. We'll see....

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